One heart ready for acceptance

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-You owe me a 1.20

Tommy carelessly threw the can of coke to Steve, trying not to look at him. His face was all bloody from the fight, the fight that everyone was convinced that Steve would win. It was chilly in the air, there were leaves on the ground, flying around with the wind. Tommy needed to act like before, untouched by Steves words but nothing could make him see him differently. Does simple words showed him a new side of Steve, but mostly himself, He knew how Steve was like, "the straightest guy you could find". He knew that he was fucked up in the head imagining something else.

-Thanks man, I appreciate it.

-I still cant believe you couldn't take Jonathan Byers! Everyone is going to talk about this I swear.

-Okay Carol, we get it.

Steve had lost a piece of himself in that fight. He lost him pride, he let his feelings take over. He lost a little bit of his ego, but mostly, he lost respect for himself. He knew that he would rethink his decisions for a long time, the bruises on his face reminding him of his temper. He didn't mean what he said, but how could he take them back? "Done is done" he thought, but he knew that he really didn't want to take the easy way out of the situation.

Tommy was in a little bit of a shock. He thought that everything would go to shit, because he really didn't have proof of that Nancy and Jonathan had been together. He was sinking deeper and deeper into the lie just to cover his own ass, and he felt, all over his body that he needed to do the right thing. He just had to do something before.

-Im off, you should really get that checked out.

-Yeah, I will.

Steve looked deep into his eyes, but Tommy looked away without thinking about it. He left Steve, mesmerised that someone actually cared about him. He drove off into the woods, Steve following the back of his car until he could spot him anymore.

The clock was 15.03 and he was sure that Nancy had already walked out if the school building. He wasn't sure if she had gone back to class after the fight. He knew that he definitely wouldn't. She had a slut rumour on her, and he had started it. He didn't think it was actually true, but now that he knew it was, he had to hear it from her. It was a long shot, because why would she agree to talk to him after her "new boyfriend" had just kicked her exes ass? But he knew that he had to try. He was driving along the houses, slowly, to be sure that he didn't miss their house. To his luck Nancy was just walking up her driveway. She looked like she was loosing it, but she had to act normal in front of her parents. Her hair was down but she tried to put it up before she walked through the front door. Just when she smashed the front door behind her, Tommy stopped his car one block away. 

Nancy was devastated, she had been catcalled so many times at school and it was just the last 1,5 hour. There were people following her into the bathroom just to yell "slut" when she just tried to wash her hands. Now that people knew that she wasn't with Steve anymore was there no reason for them to treat her differently. No one was scared of Jonathan, but maybe they should have been. She was mad, at Steve and Jonathan for making such a scene, that was the last thing she needed at the moment. Also, that was the first time she had seen Jonathan like that, so aggressive. That definitely unlocked a new side of him, but she couldn't blame him for it. Steve called him some nasty stuff and she just stood there. "If that was me, I would be pissed off too, no one talks about my family like that" she thought before she closed the front door with a bang.

Tommy was walking with hurried steps up to the Wheelers house, curiously looking around their front yard. He knocked, hard, making his fist sting. The wait was unbearable for him, it felt like minutes before he heard the lock click from the inside. 

-Before you say anything, I just need to talk.

Nancy was shocked seeing Tommy Hagan at her front door, the guy she had been hanging out with but never really talked alone. She knew that he didn't like her, thats what made this meeting so strange.

-What do we have to talk about?

-Steve Harrington


One story, two hearts and two different angles (Steve x Tommy)Where stories live. Discover now