One heart beating to hard (part 2)

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The day felt like ages in Tommys mind, also the fact that anyone with good eye vision could read what he wrote. What if they put two and two together? That would probably mean losing his friend. He doesn't even know why he wrote it, it was just the feeling in his gut, that that was what he wanted to do. Writing it felt good, though he is confused and surprised that he liked how it looked. 

"Okay, we will start of easy, everyone with a brain and some IQ could answer this, where on this map is Romania located?"

It was 3rd period and Tommy thought this was the lamest lesson on his schedule. He was surprisingly good at geography, despise him living in America (jk). He was bored, and the only thing he had in front of him was a notebook and a sharp pencil. He started writing:

STEVE H       STEVE H          STEVE H        STEVE H        STEVE H        STEVE H           STEVE H   

"What the fuck did I just write?" He said confused of his actions. "Im not like this, this isn't me".

He took the sharp pencil and started covering the initials. When he was done the pencil was like destroyed. He took a deep breath and focused on the lesson.

They were left in the empty corridor, Tommy, Steve and Carol. Tommy was sitting on a bench, back against the wall. Carol had put her head on Tommys lap, while all Tommy could think of was Steve. Steve sat at the other side of the corridor, back against a locker, fidgeting with a black marker. They were waiting for Nancy to show up so they could go to Steves house. When she finally walked through the entry Steve stood up, picked her up and spun her around in his arms. Tommy glanced at them, even though he tried to concentrate on playing with Carols ginger hair. 

"We thought we could throw a little party at my house tonight"

"But... its Tuesday"

"Its Tuesday! Why does that even matter? said Tommy. He knew that perfect Nancy Wheeler wouldn't be down.

"Ehmm, okay maybe this one time."Nancy said with hesitation.

Fuck, Tommy thought to himself.

"Lets hit the road!"

Tommy and Carol sat in the back, they lit a cigarette and Tommy could see the disgusted look on Nancys face. Steve was driving, obviously , and all the windows were wide open. Tommy watched the couple they whole time, watching his eyes while they were looking at hers. "Why wouldn't he look at him like that ?!" Steve looked into the mirror, locking eyes with him for a split second before he decided to look away. "Stupid, stupid, stupid" he repeated in his head.

The hours go by , the sky has become dark, the stars are shining, the sky is perfect for unproblematic couples. They are all sitting by the pool, the water looks magic in the dark, sparkly. Just like Tommys eyes when he looks at him. 

"Hey Tommy, pass me one of those beers"

The party is on, they are all laughing, mostly at Steves jokes. Nancy doesn't really know what to do, so she sits on one of the sun beds. The house is really big, but its in the middle of no where so they can scream and have fun as much as they want. Tommy tries to relax and have fun, forget these past days of confusion. They are just dumb teens after all, no care in the world, right? 

Out of spontaneity , he pushed Carol, who was standing right by the slippery edge, in the pool. 

"You did not just do that Tommy H" she screamed at him, but not out of anger. 

10 seconds later were there no dry people left in the Harringtons house. Now everyone was splashing water at each other, screaming and just having fun. Even Nancy let loose and looked like she was having fun, for the first time since she got there. Carol was sitting on Tommys shoulders while Steve was showing of his dives on the trampoline. 

Time skips

"Nance do you want some dry clothes before I drive you home?"

Tommy knew Steve very well, and he knew that that was a cue to get her up to his bedroom.

"Well stay here, and you two lovebirds get a little privacy" said Carol

Tommys face sunk, he's smile was now no where to be seen and his mood was ruined. He turned all red out of anger, but hid it perfectly from Carol by just laughing it of. He looked at Steve one last time before he disappeared in the door, and he was already looking at him. A spark, a new hope. Then he smashed the door.

Minutes went by, the cigarette couple had changed into clean clothes and were about to go home. When Tommy desperately turned to look at Steves window he didn't think the curtains would be open. He saw them. His crush and his girlfriend, something totally normal, but not in this case. For him it felt like someone punched him in his stomach. The feeling he usually feels is switched out with pure jealousy, anger. He took his bag, without saying anything else and smashed the front door. 'Fuck Steve H!'

One story, two hearts and two different angles (Steve x Tommy)Where stories live. Discover now