My life is a piece of shit

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So here I am...
A new town.,New life, New everyday and new people.
"Dad, why should we absolutely move to this shit town, like I already miss my friend...".
Anton... Gustav... And all the other boys. Ya, I am that type of girl that hang out with the boys. I have always been like that. Girl just don't say me anything. I'm more the boy-girl than a girl-girl if you understand. My dad have got a new job, so we have moved to a town near Stockholm. We lived in Copenhagen before, so I don't even know how to speak Swedish. I'm fucked as fuck. I don't even think that I'm going to get some friends, because I can't even Swedish, and who would like to be friend with girl that can't even talk Swedish? No one! Thank you dad this is going to be my worse nightmare ever! You probably thinking where my mom is and my sisters. Well my mom died when I was 5 years old and now I'm 15, nearly 16. So she died for about 11 years ago. That's probably the reason for why I am a boy-girl because I have always been a daddy girl (because I didn't have a mom) I can't really remember so much about her, but my dad say that I look like her. I don't have sisters, I'm the only child my parents got before my mom died, so my dad is always so sweet to me and we have a lot time together, but that also mean that I don't have someone to be with when my dad is working, so that's probably the bad thing about being the only child. Let's just hope that I'm going to get some friends so I shouldn't be in this flat forever....

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