Felix, you so stupid!

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"I.. I think I should go now" said I and went over to the door
It was about an hour since oscar went I haven't thought about anything else the last hour.
"No, why are going now? Just because oscar went...?" Said Felix and looked at me like he knew what I was thinking
"No, I.. I just think I am sick" even though that it wasn't true
"Hmmm..?" Said Felix and didn't even looked like he believed me.
"It's true, see you." Said I and couldn't even look at Felix because I knew that he just would could see that I'm lying.

The next day I woke up with a message from Felix saying:
"I knew that you didn't went because of headache, Amina.. I know you right, don't think I'm stupid I know it was because of oscar 😏"
Omg he is so stupid, but at the same time sweet, because he actually cared about how I feel, even though that I said that I was okay. That's a real friend. And right now I really don't oscar to ruined my day because of yesterday
So I wrote back to Felix:
"Hey Felix
"You so stupid, but you know I love you, are you doing something today?"
Felix and I just have the best relationship to each other, he's like a brother to me and I trust him 100%
After 10 mins I got a message back from Felix saying:
"Haha, I love you too. No I don't think so, we can meet at my home about an hour?"
I send a message back and then I took a bath, ate some breakfast my dad had made and then I was at twitter and looked at some tweets the vamps had tweeted, and ya I'm actually a big fan of The Vamps!

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2 mins to 12.00 pm, so I went downstairs to Felix house and knocked on the door. No one was opening.. I wait 2 mins again and then knocked again but no one react. Did he really just made a joke on me, oohhh so typical Felix!
But suddenly someone opened the door and there he stood.... Oscar! Whaaaat wait why did Felix not say that he where here?! OMG Felix!
"Uhhmmm, I..I mean where is Felix?"
Said I and couldn't really look him in the eyes.
"He isn't here, he asked me about if I should something today, I said no and then he asked me if I could be here 11.30 and when I knocked at the door no one opened and he is still not here"
"Wait... How did you then came in?" Said I and was I bit confused
"Well, Felix, Ogge, Omar and I do have each other's keys to each house, so I can just come in in Felix house when he isn't home" said oscar and smiled
I could just feel that in my heart and I think I'm going to fall... His smile omg!
But I'm still mad at Felix, he knew that he was going to be together with me today, why did he then ask oscar a half hour after he said that he could be with me. He is sometimes so annoying!
"Well, will you come with in to the house, because if we both are waiting for him then let's wait inside the house"
"Ya, you probably right" said I and walk in.

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