What a case

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Ya, honey?
"I think I will go a little walk. Just to see the place"
"Just do that, honey. Maybe you will meet some sweet boys"
"Dad! Stop. I don't even want to be here! "
I didn't want to listen to my dad. Sometimes he was just too much and I'm not in a mood to funny things...

I walk outside and put my headphone on and was just listening to a one direction song before I walk in someone. And the person was really high. The person fall and I could just hear that the person whimper. Omg my first moment in this town is to injury people. Woaw this is going to be good. Suddenly the person looked up and I found out that it was a boy! Omg what a case!
"Oh I'm really sorry it wasn't my intention to injury you. I didn't saw you, are you okay?"
"That's okay, and ya I think I'm fine" said the boy with a little smile
"Can I do anything to help you"
"No, it's okay and by the way my name is felix. Felix sandman"
"Oh cool, my name is Amina.Where do you live? Maybe I could follow you home. I don't think that a person who is injury should go around, do you live near?"
"I actually live in that flat" said felix and point at that flat I actually lived in too!
"Wait wait, did you say that flat?"I pointed at my flat
He nodded
"Well, that actually funny because I live there too. I can help you home, if you don't mind." said I and laugh
"Well, that will be cool, because my leg hurt really much."
"I'm really sorry. Like it wasn't my intention to injury you."
"No, it's okay. It's not your fault I should have looked where I walked" he said and smiled
Well I think this guy is pretty cool, we could actually be friends.

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