Are you seriously?!

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We finally went at oscar's house and Felix knocked on the door. And there he was. Fluffy hair and those blue eyes. Wow I really don't have any words to say. He is perfect!

Hellos guys, and you are Amina? Did oscar asked and smiled
"I.. I.."tried I
I couldn't really say anything. I was so blown away.
I think Felix could see that I wasn't myself so he said to break the awkwardness: "well, should we maybe take on McDonalds, because I'm pretty hungry. The other boys said sure, but I couldn't say anything. That is really weird, because usually I talk so much.

What happened for you Amina? Asked Felix after a long day with the boys.
"I.. I.. Just think I like him? Said I
Wait, do you like oscar? Asked Felix and smiled."
"I think so.." Said I
I don't why but I have never felt that I could someone like I do with Felix. I have only known him for like 2 days and he feels like a brother to me.
Really? Do you really mean that seriously? Felix said and laugh
And he didn't even stop.
"Okay, it's not funny okay?"
"Sorry, it's just... It's just really sweet, but at the same time really
"Why is it so funny?
"It's just I have never heard someone said that they like him. They always say to me that they like Omar or Ogge and sometimes me" said Felix and smile smug
"Felix, you weird" was the only thing I could say.

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