Chapter Seven

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A few days later it was now the official Celebration of Aurora and Phillip's long lost child. Decorations and Memorials were put up all around Auradon, everyone in school was talking about it and the planned lantern release was still intended to happen that very night.

Carlos wanted to share the info and connected dots to Audrey but he refrained as he didn't know how she or anyone else would react for that matter.

Carlos began to take his stuff from his locker when Audrey walked up to him.

Audrey: "Hey!"

Carlos: "Hey."

Audrey: "So you still coming tonight?"

Carlos: "Oh yeah! For sure! How are you feeling?"

Audrey: "I'm kinda mixed to be honest. Excited to see the lanterns and all that nice stuff but also sad because you know.."

Carlos: "Yeah I totally get it. I would feel the exact same way too."

Meanwhile back in the Isle Maleficent was watching all of this go down from the Evil Queen's magic mirror unamused.

Maleficent: "Blast!!! Carlos is starting to discover the truth!!"

Cruella: "What?!! He mustn't!!"

Jafar: "Well this is gonna be a dud. If he finds out our whole plan is a bust."

Maleficent: "No he shan't and I will absolutely make certain of that. Time to take some action. Cruella!"

Cruella: "Yes!"

Maleficent: "You will go to Auradon and speak to Carlos and drop some seeds of doubt into him. Make him question things, don't let him discover what actually happened."

Cruella: "Of course but how do I do that? Carlos is all the way in Auradon and I'm still stuck on the isle."

Maleficent: "Well I actually saw ahead that a situation like this would occur so all those years ago I stored away a little bit of magic in case of a emergency like this."

Maleficent walked into her back room and pulled a purple potion out from a secret container and brought it to Cruella.

Maleficent: "It's not much but it is just enough to teleport you to Auradon and back to the Isle."

Scar: "well why can't she just take the wand at that point?"

Maleficent: "The magic will only last five minutes therefore the mission still stands."

Cruella nodded and drank all of the potion before disappearing into purple dust. Back in Auradon Carlos was in the dorm room getting ready for tonight when someone knocked on the door. Carlos went to answer it.

Carlos: "Oh hey Jane!"

Jane: "Hey Carlos, I just wanted to check on you to see if your okay. You seemed a bit tense during the day today. Audrey was kinda worried too."

Carlos: "Oh! Thanks for being concerned but I'm fine. Really!"

Jane: "You sure?"

Carlos: "Yep. Everything's fine."

Jane: "Okay!"

Carlos: "Hey Jane? I did want to ask you something."

Jane: "Sure."

Carlos: "okay..heh..I never done something like this before so..Would you..wanna possibly go out with me sometime after tonight? Like maybe be a couple? You don't have to and I totally understand if you don't want to but-"

Carlos was about to finish before Jane kissed him right on the lips.

Jane: "I'd love to. I actually had a crush on you for a while. I just..didn't know if you would be into me because I have never dated anyone either."

Carlos started to blush a little bit and Jane started to blush as well.

Jane: "Um...yeah I should probably get ready for tonight and I'm sorry for bothering you."

Carlos: "Oh no! It's okay. I need to finish getting ready too."

Jane: "Alright uh..see ya tonight!"

Carlos: "Yeah. See ya."

Carlos closed the door and turned around and saw Cruella emerge from the darkness coming from the closet.

Cruella: "Well!! I thought she'd never leave."

Carlos: "Mom?!"

Cruella: "Hello Dear."

Carlos: "How did you get here or even out of the isle?!"

Cruella: "Oh it was easy really. I found a path of complete and utter betrayal and follow that."

Carlos: "Wait What??"

Cruella: "Carlos I came to warn you abandon all this abandoned baby nonsense and get back on the path to steal the wand."

Carlos: "You don't understand! Auradon has been such a welcoming home for me and I met so many amazing people! I..I even met someone."

Cruella: "Yes the Fairy's daughter. I'm so proud. Doesn't matter. What does matter is you and your friends claiming the wand. Actually with what little time we have let's do it right now."

Carlos: "Mom wait! She..actually likes me."

Cruella: "Likes you oh please Carlos! That's demented!"

Carlos: "Mom I-"

Cruella: "Thjs is why you should've never left! Dear this whole romance and fake family bond you created just proves your too naive to be here. Why would any of them love you? Come on now really? Look at you!!! You think they are impressed..Don't be a dummy. Come with Mummy...Mother...."

Carlos: "NO!"

Cruella: "No? Ooh...I see how it is.

Carlos knows best, Carlos's so mature now
You really think your in bliss?
Carlos knows best, fine I guess I'll leave now.
Go ahead and give them THIS!!!!! *takes out files*

Carlos: "How did you-?!"

Cruella: This is why they're here, don't let them deceive you!!! Give it to you watch! You'll see!! *tosses files to Carlos*

Carlos: "I-I will!!"

Cruella: "Trust me my dear, that's how fast they'll leave you!! I won't say I told you so!! No Carlos knows best!!!!! So if they are such a dreamboat, go ahead and put them to the test!!

Carlos: "Mom wait!!!"

Cruella: "If they're lying don't come crying!!!! Mother knows best!!!!!!"

Cruella stompt on the floor and disappeared into a puff of purple smoke. Carlos looked back through the files and pictures and then shoved them into his bag just in case.

Carlos (in his mind): Hey it's worth a shot anyways.

Carlos grabbed his bag and then left the room while Cruella still watched him do so.

Maleficent: "That little- Let me at him!!"

Cruella: "Maleficent wait. All good things goes to those who wait."

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