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Getting ahold of Tracy was unexpectedly harder than I expected. I didn't want to show up to Dani's place knowing her dislike towards me, so I tried to get into contact with her

through her number, but she never responded. So, then I had to go to plan B and unblock her on my socials and get into contact with her through there.

Sadly, the accounts on Instagram didn't exist anymore so I was back to square one.

All in, all this whole situation has been super annoying and I'm taking a long-needed break, so I deciding to go to the cafe with my friends and just chill.

"Hey, Harper"

"yo, how's the mission going"

"Bad, haven't been able to get into contact with her at all"

"Damn, maybe that's a sign"

As Harper and I walk into the cafe we both see Alex and Tyler hunched over looking at a screen intently

"yo, what are you guys looking at" I say sitting down next to Tyler

"This man" As Tyler shoves his phone into my face, I see a photo of Tracy in a skintight white dress sitting at a small table

"And what about it, you just showed me a photo of Tracy"

Alex rolls his eyes

"A photo of Tracy... on her Instagram... she has a new instagram" Alex says with annoyance

"Alex and I were trying to see if we can find a spot Tracy have been frequenting lately and maybe "bump" into her for you to then make your apology"

Not going to lie, that was the smartest thing I've heard come out of Tyler's mouth in a while.

"Ok, so do you have any leads"

"Well, at the moment no because someone keeps getting sidetracked" Tyler's says as he rolls his eyes

"K, to be fair Tracy has gotten really pretty, I'm just admiring a pretty woman"

I roll my eyes and take Tyler's phone from his hand and start scrolling through Tracy's page

She definitely has changed, a lot of her photos she's wearing her hair curly, and her style has gotten much better, but she's still Tracy, no amount of physical change will change her. 

As I continue to scroll through her page, which has a lot of photos and I mean a lot, I do notice a pattern, 

a lot of her selfies seem to have the same background. Same wooden floor, same old school artist hanging on the wall and same rusty old table. 

"Hey, is there like an old restaurant around us or an old-style cafe" 

"No, but we can search places and see" Alex voiced as he took out his phone 

"Omg, why are you guys so obsessed with her, like leave her alone" Harper states with annoyance 

"No, I said I was going to apologize and that's what I'm going to do" 

"If she wanted an apology, I think she would have told you, but it seems like all she wants is to be is left alone" 

I say nothing but continue to scroll through her Instagram feed 

"Ok, I think I've narrowed it down to five places, Bob's Patty's, some run down steakhouse, Sweat Grill, Al's bar and some Fish and Chips place" after stating all places Alex looks up at me with one eyebrow up 

"what" I respond with confusion in my voice 

"Which one is she most likely to go to" 

"How would I know" 

"Well, you've spent more time with her than any of us" 

As I sit back into my seat, I thought about what she would like. To be honest I have no idea. Yes, I may have hung out with her but not by choice and whole time it was her worry about me and doing shit for me 

ok, you know what, you got this Max, you just got to think really good. 

Fish and Chips are off the table because, ew, who likes Fish and Chips. Al's bar is also out because it gives old dudes who are retired and prefer to hang out with their buddies than wife's vibes. 

the steak house is also out because, for a fact, I do know Tracy hates steak 

that just leaves Bob's Patties and Sweat Grill. 

"Hey, Alex, let me see what Bob's Patty and Sweat Grill looks like" 

Alex passes me his phone and I first click onto Bob's Patty, and it does give a vibe, but the floor has grey tiles so it's off the table. 

I then click onto Sweat Grill and BAM it's a perfect match, wooden floors, artist from back in the day on the walls and just overall run-down tables 

"Got it, it's Sweat Grill" 

"Awesome so what are we going do now" Tyler responds excitedly 

"WE, are not going to do anything, especially you Tyler but I will go there tomorrow and see if I can meet her there" 

"I still think this is a fucked-up plan and think you should just leave the girl alone" 

"Shut up Harper" Alex, Tyler and I all say in unison 

and with that the day went smoothly with my friends and I enjoying the rest of our day. 

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