1 | Life of an introvert trying to be extrovert.

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Chapter 1

The feeling of doing nothing and be rested in your room or have a great time going out with your friends and family. The
tranquility or peace or whatever you call it. Teenagers and children feel it in summer break. The fact that we don't have to wake up early in the morning and we can finally get sometime to spend with our family; that's just feel ecstatic. But, Surely they have to go through the hell as they had to get back to the old boring routine when the school reopens.

Darren was feeling the same, ecstatic; the feeling of euphoria. The only thing making him exited for the life of senior high schooler is kids from different countries, he really thought it would be fun to study with them. He used to study in all Americans school when he was in Texas.

He is an introvert, with 2.1 socializing skills out of ten. Actually a good one to start all over to be a extrovert or making new friends. All he had as name of friends were just using him as a credit card, and they will back away when they found out that even James Anderson does not give a huge some to his son as pocket money. But no one in new york knows how much his father earns so, he really wants to make friends to feel how does it feels to have someone as a blessing as they will stand with you at your hardest.

Now he is at Hewitt international high school standing in front of notice board. Neatly dressed in his uniform hair down as it was rule in this school to let your hair down and not high up. Rules! Stupid rules for especially 12 graders.

"Hey bro! Need help?" a boy ask who doesn't look older then Darren. He looks a little bit taller than Darren, his skin was fair and he has deep black eyes and hair. He looks like an Indian.

"Yeah, i can't find my class" he reply to this boy, with an awkward smile on his face. He has class on 13A but he's not sure where this 'A' links to. Darren was not so good with socialism, you can guess it by now.

"Let me see."he ask taking a step closer "13A, I has a class there too let's go together" the boy pass a smile. They started walking together. It was so awkward, two introvert meeting eachother for the first time. Tell me a worst situation. Cause i don't know any!.

"What's your name?" Darren ask him, trying to make a small conversation. A pretty big step to open up with someone

"Ayyub Mustafa" he say. As if he is proud of his own name.

"Ayyub what?" Darren said. To which ayyub smile. He did thought that making friends in his life for the very first time with a kid from another country is a fun thing.but Oh heaven! how can he pronounce others name. A whole new quest for Darren.

"Call me Ayyub" Ayyub said and Darren released a relief smile "I didn't catch you're name." Ayyub can't digest the fact that he has introduced him self to someone, on top of that he has asked about the one's name in front of him. Woah, someone should applaud for his growing socializing skills.

"Oh. It's because I didn't say it. Darren Anderson" he said extending his hand in front of ayyub, for him to shake hands with him.but, Ayyub stare at his hand for good 5 sec. Which make Darren think, that he don't want to be friends. He was about to back is hand but Ayyub catch it and smile. "Let's be friends" Said Darren

"Yeah, sure"Ayyub was the politest kid he had ever met. They got to the class in time and sit in last bench. A very secure place to eat, gossiping, laughing, and we can even throw a party while teacher is in the class. Perks of being taller then others.

"So where are you from?" Darren ask. He was 96% certain that he was an indian. but sometimes even if we are 100% certain the truth will be something else..

"I am from Pakistan, Karachi" he answer his questions. It was kind of tradition followed by his family, that the boy of the family will at least for two years study abroad. Anywhere but not in Pakistan.

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