3 | Extraordinary day.

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5400 words.
Thu, 5, October, 2023

Chapter 3

The sun as raised, the songbirds were chirping their songs. But still some people hasn't get their fill of sleep.

His brown hair was shining by the sun rays that has make their way from the window. His serene expression make him look more lovable than he already is.

The boy was sleeping peacefully, when suddenly his alarm burst, bursting his beautiful serene expression.
He gain consciousness, turn off the alarm and goes back to sleep. Just like all the Teenagers do.

After some 10 minutes a lady in his early 40's came into his room making door wide open because of which a bang voice echoed in the room.

"WAKE UP, YOU'RE GETTING LATE" she shout at top of her lungs, as hard as she can. Her bold form bending a little.

Darren frown still his eyelid glued with the lower lid. When there was no reply, she started removing his blanket.

"Let me sleep!" Darren exclaimed, still with closed eyes while trying to snatch the blanket from felicie.

"No, i will not let you sleep, you have get up now or get good beating from me." Felicie said. Fire raising in her eyes. Mom's are sweet but at times they can be scarier then our dad's

"Why the heaven school starts early in the morning? I hate the person who started this system in the first place.!" He exclaimed still not opening his eyes.

"When you grow up and become some important person in the world, change this whole system, but now get-up!" Felicie said while her hands travel to his butt hitting him.

"Ouch!, Mom" he complained. Finally revealing his grey orbs.
"Aahhhhh.... I don't want to go!" He scream like a kid. Well he is a kid. A 17 years old bunny.

"Seeing that your eyes are wide open, you must be awake now. Take a warm shower, and come down stairs!" She commanded and turn to leave. He run his long fingers in his hair in exasperation.

"Can't I skip one day?" He questions with a lot of hope in his voice.

She opened the door and turns her head towards him, her brown locks almost covering her face and said "No, you can't!" She left, leaving no argument. He throw his duvet in the ground, but he understands what he was doing, he picked up the duvet, put it in it's place. And start getting freshen up.

Darren came down stairs, dressed in his neatly pressed uniform, his hair down as always hiding his proud forehead.

"Sit here I'll bring your breakfast.!" Felicie said with no expression playing on her face. And he knows that the atmosphere is not good there.
He silently obey his mom. Waiting for his food. Felicie came back with a tary which contains Toasted bread spread with butter. Some fruits and milk.

She sat in front of him and start reading something on her phone. he started eating. the silence consumed them, after he was done, he deliberately didn't drink the milk and got up to leave. "Sit down!" Felicie ordered. He sit down again. " Drink it." She said extending the glass of milk in front of him.

"Mom please." He plead.

"You still think you have an alternative choise, thanks to the trouble and fuss you make this morning." She said sarcastically.
Darren knows that he has no choise. So he drank it in one big sip.

"Are your happy now?" Darren said, grinning from ear to ear.
She doesn't reply, so he got up from where he was sitting and lean towards Felicie, placing a kiss on her brown hair. "Bye mom!" He said running to the door. And she smiled at his behaviour.

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