4 | An unenthusiastic weekend.

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Chapter 4

It was a sunny day of Sunday, a lady was laying lazily in the couch without a care in the world.

The bell rings in a rhythmic way. The red head lady lying comfortably on the couch with her phone on her hands looks some what disappointed hearing the bell makes sound. Nevertheless she got up from her former position when the bell rings again.

She opened the door wide and reveal her brother.

"Oh, man I forgot you were coming.!" She said looking at him keeping her palm on her forehead.

"I did expect that from you, Julia." He said in a taunting way, getting inside.

"Let me call Vanesa to inform her that you are here." she said leaving her brother at the door step. A frown painted on his face.

"why the heck would you inform her about me coming over?" he asked entering the house while the frown still sits there between his eye brows.

"we made plans for weekends to make some videos, play games and stuffs but, we should cancel it now." she said dialing Vanesa's number, disappointed clearly heard in her voice.

"You don't have to come.---my brother is here---spend your weekend with anyone you want--- bye!" she said in a good riddance tone.

"I don't understand you girls, just before the phone call, your voice hinted disappointment and know it's some what matches with relieve. Woah! To much changes in just two minutes." Aryan whispered at end. His humorous side getting the best of him, cause he know that this mode is going to change soon

"Leave it bro! Tell me about whatever you were going to tell me." Julia said sitting beside her brother. The atmosphere seems to change, a dreadful change. Aryan Sigh audibly.

"Umm... I had an argument with baba." Aryan said in one breath and Julia fully turn to him. The emotion on his voice was enough for her to recognise that this was not the same argument her father and brother would always have there has to be some thing more to it, which is enough to break the family which is already weak.!

"It's nothing new, is it?" she ask, trying to keep her cool. Yes she leave the house because she doesn't want live with her father. Yes, she did that. But the little part of her still want to keep updated about her father well being, the daughter care was always there and will be there forever. Cause they are all she has to call as family. They were all she has.

"No, it's..." He pause cause he know that his sister can stay away from her father but can't bear the truth that he is all alone, lonely. "Its not like always. We had like a... Like a big fight, a big one."

"Aryaaan..! you can't do this.!" she rebuked him, with a wavey voice. if any one know her, then it's gotta be Aryan, the one she shared all small and big truth of her life. As he had said, she can't bear the fact that her father is lonely "You know that, that baba and me had a big fight. Because of which, we don't even talk to each other anymore. And it's a matter of fact that I did leave him in your hands. I trusted you." she said almost teary eyed. The love for his father was all displayed in her eyes.

"I know dear." he can't see her adorable sister breaking, that too because of him, he really can't. he cupped her face before continuing "I was left with no other choice." his voice was breaking, all the time he is been practicing to confront her but, oh this is how it is going. He stand up, he can't face her. The tears will hunt him everywhere he goes.

"Baba was a puppet of some stupid mafia." A tear roll down his check. This is the truth that their family hide from the world, they play that Oliver brown was a famous businessman but no one knows who was he before that. He knows that she knows this much, but he is going reveal more now, now or never. "He murdered a person in front of me..." a gasp was heard with a hiccups. He did not plan to tell her all this but time waits for no one. "I was.. I was freaking seven then." The memory come back like a wave and multiple tears cascade down from his eyes.

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