Chapter One

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I narrowed my eyes and pouted with a twisted lip. "Do I have to?" I asked. Mum turned to me with an agitated expression. I could already tell that I was annoying her.

"Yes, you do. You're going; it will be a good chance to spend time with your dad. You’re not missing that opportunity," she answered sternly.

I sighed. "What about Tanisha?"

"She's going aswell." 

I rolled my eyes. "I don't wanna go, it won't feel right."

She raised a brow in question. "So you're telling me you don't want to see your own dad?"

"Exactly," I sighed. “I’m glad you get me.”

She kissed her teeth at my sarcasm. "You’re going."


"I'm not arguing with you. You're going. That's final." She walked out of the room and I heard her footsteps ascend upstairs.

Rarh, she silenced me.

But there's no way in hell that I'm going to Liverpool. That unknown area full of God knows what type of people. Why did it have to be there of all places? I've never even met the guy before...well, maybe a couple times. I sighed and slouched back in the chair.

You're probably wondering what's going on. I'll fill you in.

First of all, my name's Sha'riah Brooks. (Sha-rye-ah)

My nickname is Riah.

I'm fourteen years old, turning fifteen in a few months.

As for my appearance; I'm light skinned and medium height with a normal average girl body. Nothing special, don't really care anyway. Have long brown curly hair that I mostly wear down in loose curls. My eyes are just a normal brownish/hazle-ish colour.

This may seem ridiculous, but it's 100% true... I'm quarter Nigerian, half Spanish and quarter Trinidadian.

Weird alie? Try telling my mum that. I have some fucked up background.

As for my family: Tanisha, who is my identical twin sister and basically looks exactly like me, except for the fact that she has a different sense of dress style and the way she wears her hair. Plus she doesn't have a beauty spot on her cheek like I do. She's unlucky like that.

Shawn, my four year old brother who I just find adorable, but he's annoying, so forget about him for now.

And then there's my mum.'s just us four in this four bedroom house. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love my family like this. Any time my mum brings round a man you wouldn't believe how pissed I get. They need to learn to fuck off and leave my mum alone. Right now my mum wants me and Tanisha to go live with a stranger for 5 months. Can you believe that?

Alright, he's not a stranger, he's my dad. Might aswell be a stranger though, I ain't seen the guy in like, what, 5 or 6 years? The bustard ran away and fled like a pussy when he found out my mum was pregnant.

Is he not a wasteman?

If my man ever did that to me, I'd never let my children see him again cos they'd be better off. Lord knows why my mum was making me see this dipshit. I sighed and left the living-room, then stormed upstairs and collapsed on my bed in a huff. I don't understand why my mum was doing this. For all she knows my dad could be a rapist, yet she's sending me and Tanisha to go live with him. What kinda foolishness is that?

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