Chapter 10

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OMG it's been almost 4 months since I last updated a chapter! I am SOOOO sorry! I promise this will be updated and brought to life more often!


Chilli's POV

I walk back into the restaurant. Cress told me to come check on Cilan and Iris- since he was busy helping Officer Jenny locate Burgundy.

I look at the couch and see Cilan with his head rested on a pillow, sleeping, with a worried expression for Iris. I sigh quietly and walk over, and kneel next to him. That's when I notice something...

I blink. I watch in shock as a tear, a tear- rolls down Cilan's cheek. He never cries...

I look at Iris and gently pat her head. She was going to be fine. We just needed to give her time.

I noticed Iris stir... She was going to wake! I rush across the room to the kitchen, tripping over tables in chairs in the process. I didn't wanna be the first thing she saw when she woke up.

It needed to be Cilan.

Iris's POV

My eyes flutter awake as I sit up. My back was propped up by pillows, and my left leg was rested on a small tower of pillows. I noticed the band aids and gauzes wrapped around me on several areas- I was hurt pretty badly.

That's when I noticed Cilan, head rested on a pillow and asleep. Did he... Fall asleep waiting for me to wake?

That's also when I noticed the stains on his cheeks. Liquid stains. Tear stains.

My eyes widen a bit. Cilan had been... Crying?

"Cilan..." I whisper, nudging his shoulder gently. Cilan blinks awake and looks to me tiredly. "Mm.. Iris..?"

His eyes widen and he bounces to his knees. "Iris?!" He yelps. I smile. "That's me, Green." I tease.

Cilan takes a deep breath of relief and smiles weakly. "I'm glad you're doing okay..."

I fold my arms across my chest and look at him with a raised brow. "... What?" He blinks, confused.

"Tears? Explanation. Now!" I snap. Cilan rubs his neck. "Oh- I- uh- well.. You can't really explain tears... Nor can one control them so... What kind of explanation are you looking for?" He asks, nervously smiling.

"Why were you crying?" I ask, ruffling his hair. Cilan pouts and fixes his hair. "I.. Um... I was just really scared..." He murmurs.

"The great Cilan- scared? Of what?" I giggle softly. He smiles slightly. "... Scared of many things. What Burgundy did to you... Losing you... What would have happened if I hadn't gotten you in time?" He replies, glancing down at the floor.

"I just... You're already beaten up as it is. I could have gotten there earlier- saved you before any pain could be caused! But... I didn't..." He mumbles, angry at himself.

I feel my heart crack. He's beating himself up at the fact that he couldn't save me before I got hurt...

"Cilan..." I tilt his head up to look at me. "... You did save me, and that's all that matters. Injuries heal, and we always end up hurting ourselves again on accident. So what if I got a few scrapes and bruises?... What matters is that you did come for me." I say, smiling.

Cilan considers these things in his head, then sighs. "Y... You're right. You're safe." He sighs and rubs his temples. "I'm sorry- I had a mini meltdown when I saw you hurt.. Couldn't think straight."

I smile and hug Cilan tightly. "It's okay... But don't you ever beat yourself up over me getting hurt ever again. Got it?" I say strictly. Cilan chuckles and hugs me back. "Yes, Iris. I got it."

"Cilan?" I hear Cress call his name. We pull away from the hug- even if on the inside I wanted to hug him forever. Why was that?... Why does he all of a sudden seem to huggable?

"Yes?" Cilan clears his throat and stands. "Uh... Officer Jenny needs to speak with Iris alone... About her kidnap." Cress replies, as Jenny walks in with a notepad and pen.

Cilan looks to me, saddened. I smile and give his hand a tight reassuring squeeze. "It'll be fine. I promise." I whisper.

Cilan smiles and gives a sigh of defeat. I let his hand go as he walks away. It pains me to see him this way- and it pains me that I won't be seeing him for awhile.

Officer Jenny sits on the chair across from me and smiles softly. "Alright, Iris. Let's start with how she found you- how did this all start?" She asks.

"Well..." I start- and explain all of what happened.

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