Chapter 2

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A sudden ring awoke the two friends, causing Iris to fall off her seat. She groaned. "We're here..." Cilan offered her help, but she got up herself. "See? I'm fine!" Iris smiled. 'OW GOD.. Arceus my arm..' She grunted in pain as they stepped off the train. "Ah.. It's great to be home again.." Cilan inhaled the air, and walked around Striation City. As they stood at the door, Cilan looked uneasy. "Uh.. Please excuse my brothers... They may be a bit--"

"CILAN!" Chilli yelled happily, hugging his green haired brother and messing his hair. "That hurts! Stop it-- Chilli!" Cilan pushed him away and muttered, annoyed as he struggled to fix his hair. "Welcome home Cila-" Cress stopped at the door and stared. "... Psst, Cilan.. There's a girl here..." Chilli whispered. Cilan gave his brothers an unamused look. "... I'm aware of that. Now let us pass... She's going to be staying for a while." He tried to get by his two brothers. They gave each other looks, and Chilli squealed. "Cilan gotta girlfriend?!"

Iris and Cilan sweat dropped. "... Permission to murder them?" Iris muttered. Cilan sighed. "Be my guest."

"ALRIGHT BOYS. Listen, and listen good." Iris put her hands on her hips and glared. "Don't you go messing with me, or there will be some trouble..." Chilli laughed. "Like we'd be scared of a little girl!" Iris death glared him. "Little, eh?... Wanna rest your little theory, Hot head?" He gulped, shaking his head. "Nope." "Sorry." The two bowed their heads, and Iris and Cilan walked in. Cilan looked at her surprised. "I'm amazed.. You tamed Chilli." He chuckled. "Impressive. Now.. This is your room."

He opened the door, revealing a medium sized room. A queen sized bed, carpet flooring, silk curtains, a closet, a make up table (or just a mirror with a chair), and a bathroom. "Holy Smeargle!" Iris spun around in the room. "This is amazing! Thanks Cilan!" She hugged his arm, quickly returning to admiring the room. "No problem, Iris. My home is your's... And Chilli's... And Cres--" He chuckled. "Uh.. Anyways, the restaurant opens at 8 AM.. So if you could be ready by 7:45?" Cilan smirked as Iris squealed at the cute new outfits in the closet. (Soooo unlike Iris but whatevs.) "Of course!" Iris smiled brightly, Axew running in circles on the carpet.

"I'll be back in around an hour... I need to deal with some things." Cilan glared at the end of the hallway, where snickers were heard. "Hah, okay Cilan!" Iris waved as her green haired friend left the room. She closed the door and took a shower, putting on her pyjamas, which were yellow, pink, and dark blue. She brushed her hair out, taking the hair accessories out, making her hair seem longer. "Wow, those shampoos really made my hair soft!" She giggled and put on the slippers, playing dress up with Axew, who was putting on different hats and socks.

There was a knock. The door slowly opened as Iris allowed permission to enter. "Hey.. Iris?" Iris sat up in bed, seeing Cress at the door. "Oh, hiya Cress!" She smiled as he walked in with a tray. "Cilan fell asleep, and Chilli is too much of a wimp to say it..." "AM NOT!!" Chilli yelled from another room. Cress gave the tray to Iris, containing a small plate of fresh baked cookies and a tall glass of milk. "We, as in me and chilli, are sorry if we offended you, and-" "oh zip it, blue! I was just messing with you guys! And the cookies got you on my good list..." She smiled and munched on a cookie. Cress sighed. "Thank goodness... I best be going, it's hard to get Chilli to stay in bed." He waved and left the room, lights off and door closed. A small nightlight plugged near the night stand made it so she could see. "I think this is gonna be fun, don't you think so, Axew?"

"Axew, yew yew!" The small dragon nodded. Iris nuzzled Axew as the cookie were eaten one by one. Eventually, the nightlight went out as soon as the two fell asleep.

'Tomorrow is my first day working with Cilan...

I wonder how it'll go...'

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