Chapter 11

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Cilan's POV

I sit alone on the rooftop of the restaurant, staring at the sky. The sun was setting, and a few stars were appearing every so often.

I close my eyes and sigh softly. Do I care for Iris too much? She means so much to me... I couldn't live with myself if something critical happened to her.

"Cilan?" A voice squeaks. I turn my head and see Iris there, her ankle still wrapped up tight. "Oh, Hey... How did you get up here?" I ask, gesturing to her ankle.

"Chilli helped me. Turns out he's stronger then he looks." Iris laughs a bit and sits next to me. My grip on the roof tiles tighten, I clutch my teeth together too. "... That's.. Nice." I seeth.

"So... Any plans for tomorrow?" Iris chimes me out of my thoughts. I look up at the sunset and shrug. "I honestly don't know. I've been thinking maybe we could go shopping at the market..." I suggest.

"Sounds fun!" Iris smiles brightly. "Yeah..." I sigh, my mind was buzzing with confusion. Iris is my best friend. There's no way that I could... Could I...?

Do I... Like Iris?

"Cilan..." Iris gently places her hand on top of mine. I blush slightly. "Is there something you're not telling me? I know when you have something on your mind..." She asks, looking slightly worried.

The longer I look at her, the more I realize how stunning she is. I traveled with this girl for a year- and never acknowledged her beauty?!

"Uh... Well I guess there's one thing I'm worried about.." I mutter.

"Stop mumbling. You're out of character." Iris scolds. I smile softly and sigh. "... If I tell you, can you swear to me you won't hate me?" I ask.

Iris nods.

"Even if it was the worse possible thing ever- like me being a Beartic trainer?" I raise a brow. Iris glances away for a second- then looks back at me with a determined smile. "Yes."

"Alright..." I take a deep breath. I had her full trust and faith. "So... We've been travelling for a year before Ash left.." I start, nervously. "And... I've began to notice some differences about us."

"Differences? Good or Bad?" Iris asks, worried. I smile and take her hand into mine. "Good, of course! We're complete opposites... But we work so well together." I reply, as I gently place a violet flower I'd been holding behind Iris's ear.

"Opposites attract~" Iris chirps happily. I chuckle and nod. "Yeah... Exactly. So look- what I'm trying to say is... I think we work really good together... So I was wondering if... Well- what I have to say is... I.." I lost all my words.

Iris looked right at me- as if she was reading my eyes. She smiles softly, reassuring me.

I nod slowly and sigh. "I-Iris... I think... No- I know I love you... I worry so much about you- it pains me to be away from you!" I exclaim. "So... W-Would you do me the honour of going on a date with me? Even if it's just a single date?" I ask, my heart pounding against my chest.

Iris smiles, looking like she might tear up, and hugs me tightly. "Of course I'll go out with you! I'm so glad you asked me!" Iris cries out happily.

I sigh in relief and hug her tightly, resting my head on her shoulder. "Thank goodness..." I mumble.

???'s POV

My glare hardens on my brother as he hugs Iris. Anger boils up inside me. I was going to ask her out.. But Cilan got there first...

I guess I have two choices.

Deal with it...

Or sabotage it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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