We Are Something More (Part II of II)

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(Con't) From Last Chapter ∞



Princeton POV




After hanging out with Jaylssa and Prod, me and Nicole headed back to my house. We are going to make a nice dinner. Right here. Right now.

Nicole: So what we making?

Princeton: Hmm, I don't know. What you want?

Nicole: I kind of have a taste for a Seafood Salad.

I chuckled.

Princeton: Really?

Nicole: Umm yeah. Gotta stay healthy!

Princeton: Alright.

We went into the kitchen and got out all of the ingredients.

Princeton: What kind of Seafood do you want on it?

Nicole: Ahh, Shrimp.

We made and mixed up the salad. We made our plates look fancy and had a candle light dinner... In the dining room.

Nicole: This is really good. I love salads!

Princeton: Yeah, it's good.

I finished my plate, rested my hand on my chin and started to look at her. I was watching her every move. The way she placed her fork in her mouth precisely. The way she chewed every bite. It was sexy though. Call me weird. I dont care. She then stopped and looked up at me.

Nicole: Umm, why you looking at me like that?

Princeton: Oh, my bad.

She rolled her eyes playfully and continued eating. I just remembered, I have to give her the necklace I bought her that I never gave her. I sound like an ass. But you all know what happened.

Princeton: I'll be right back.

Nicole POV


Nicole: Umm, okay.

I watched as he walked away. That ass though. I giggled a little in sight of. He came back with a box in his hand.

Princeton: Here.

He handed me the box. I raised my eye brow at him.

Nicole: What's this?

Princeton: Your Christmas present.

Nicole: Oh from days ago?

He glared at me.

Princeton: My bad damn.

I rolled my eyes at him and opened the box. It was a pretty diamond necklace. My eyes widen.

Nicole: Oh my gosh. Princeton. Thank you!

I ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

Princeton: Yeah your welcome.

I looked at him in confusion.

Nicole: What's wrong with you?

Princeton: Nothing. Just frustrated.

Nicole: With what?

He stayed silent.

Nicole: Well I can leave if I'm frustrating you.

I got up and went to get my things and walked back downstairs.

Princeton: Nicole...

Nicole: What?

Princeton: It's not you. Its me. 

Nicole: Then aren't you telling me nothing.

Princeton: Because... Nevermind. I think it is best that you leave. 

I raised my eyebrows.

Nicole: Ok whatever.

I can't believe he actaul told me to leave. I'm surprised that he didn't force me to stay. But its whatever now. I walked out to my car a drove home.

Princeton POV


You're probably wondering why I just threw her out like that. It really wasn't her. I'm just sexually frustrated. I told her to leave because when I'm sexually fustrated I start acting crazy. Not like psyco crazy, but It makes me do sexual things that once I start, I won't stop. 

I went on my phone and looked through my contacts. Since I knew Nicole wasn't going to give me none, I  decided to call one of my 'friends' Mariee'.

(Phone Call)

Mariee: Hello?

Princeton: Hey Mariee, its Princeton.

I can tell she was smirking over the phone.

Mariee: I knew you would come around again. Wassup?

Princeton: And you know what I want. Meet me at Club Blast tonight at 9.

She giggled.

Mariee: Alright. Be prepared to me amazed.

A smirked then grew on my face. 

Princeton: I'm ready. See you In a minute.

(Phone Call End)


Im sorryI haven't been posting. I've been MAD busy & Sorry its so short. This is just a filler.

But anyways, you think Princeton on some stupid shit now? Wasn't he just good earlier? The Fuck is up with him? He on that shit? Lol jk. 

Goal: 2 Votes & 1 Comment 


- Mindless Fact OTD -


lol I bet you already knew that.. I got nothing as of now .-.

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