Commitment Issues

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Commitment Issues
By Vallwrites


Say you want me,
say you need me,
but don't say
that you love me.
Be there,
but keep your distance.
Say you hate me,
push me away,
but hold me,
kiss my forehead,
and whisper sweet nothings into my ear.
I want you.
I need you.
I love you.
But then,
you ruin it,
because you want me, too,
and you love me, too.
Why do you have to love me?
Just leave me.
Just keep your distance.
Maybe a bit closer,
but don't touch me,
don't make my heart ache for you.
I can't let you love me,
even though, deep down,
I want you to be mine
and I want to be yours.
But that can never happen,
because my heart will never allow it to happen.


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