Lost Self

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Lost Self
By vallwrites


My mind can no longer form words and beautiful sentences with such meaning behind them.
My heart no longer skips a beat and melts when I read words on pages and type my fingers on a screen, creating a story which I can call my own.
Writing had always been my escape.
It woke me up in the morning,
gave me life,
kept me up at night.
But all the words I once knew vanished from my mind and perished from my life,
everything went blank.
My heart went blank,
my mind went blank,
everything in my life went blank.
Creative quotes and meaningful paragraphs no longer came to mind, it was like I was trapped and fighting with myself, struggling to find my voice.
Somewhere along the line,
I had lost myself.
How could I escape from the world when my fingers forgot how to type...when I forgot how to write?


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