Chapter 3 [Edited]

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Universal P.O.V

Scientist John sat at his desk planning the next scenario for Subject M.

"Scenario 23 B has been activated.Subject M is being sent in as we speak."Scientist Bill told John.

The two scientists rushed over to a monitor.Subject M was laying on a bed with wires sticking out of their body.A buzzer went off in their lab indicating the subject's arrival.

A different monitor lit up showing Subject M in Scenario 23 B.

Subject M sat up and looked around.The subject slowly got up as it took in its surroundings.

"Bring in the monsters John."


As John pressed a button a couple of programmed monsters advanced on Subject M.

The scientists observed the subject,waiting to see what it would do.

After a few minutes of staring at the monsters with horror the subject started running away.

"It won't make it!"Bill cried out.The scientist opened a door and quickly ran in to unplug Subject M from the machines.

"WAIT!"John shouted.

Their monitors showed Subject M fighting the monsters.

"The subject is fighting back!"

Scientist Bill let out a sigh of relief.If the scientists were to unplug the subject they would be forced to reveal their secrets.

"Good.Then we don't have to unplug it."

"The subject has succeeded in Scenario 23 B."

Scientist Bill let out a cheer."This subject is our best by far!Hurry John!Send it to a new scenario and see if it succeeds again!We haven't got any time to waste."

"Of course Bill."John replied."I've sent Subject M to Scenario 48 A."

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