Chapter 6

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I woke up to see myself enclosed in a translucent grey room. It had no doors, no windows, or any furnitures.

This room was very small though, I barely had any space to move around but the roof was very high. This only meant one thing-

"Help, help, someone help me!", I screamed as I was slamming and punching the rooms wall.

I stopped what I was doing as soon as I heard footsteps coming near me. I stopped breathing and I could barely see anything outside the room.

"Help,help, someone help me,"someone mockingly said.

I tensed up.

"W-who are you?"

"It's pretty obvious", the persons voice went back to normal.

I concluded that the person was a man. But his voice sounded vaguely familiar. Then it hit me.


"You thought I was finished with you? Ha ha victory girl, you can't beat me this time!"

To be continued in chapter 7.....


I wonder what's gonna happen next?

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