Chapter 8

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Universal P.O.V

Bill and John were closely monitoring the computer screen as Jake explained the FAE to Maya.

"Great! I KNEW we should've taken that boy out before he told her!," John growled as he spun his chair around and combed his hands up his hair in frustration.

"How did we forget to inject the amnesia drug into subject J ?", Bill calmly question John.

"Bill, it was your job to inject the amnesia drug into subject J! Since you forgot to inject the amnesia drug into subject J, he told the truth to subject M.Do you know what this means Bill?

"No, I do not," Bill replied as he was sipping is tea.

"Oh for gods sake!", John walked over to Bill and slapped the tea cup out of Bills grasp. The cup then instantly shattered to pieces while the liquids splashed around the lab floor.

"This means that subject M will try to get out of our FAE, then she'll sue us and the FAE will terminate!!'

"Oh!", Bill started putting all the pieces together.

After a few minutes of thinking John finally realized something.

"OH NO, I forgot that whatever happens in the nightmares she is going through are real!"

"W-what do you mean?," a hint of fear was in Bill's voice.

"The FAE may not be relevant to the outside world yet, but if something happens in the FAE." John took a deep breath.

"How could you forget that? Us scientists can't just forget things?"

John ignored Bill's point and continued talking.

"It will be broadcasted on live television and popular news stations!. Bill, go and turn the T.V on while I monitor them." John commanded Bill.

Bill walked over to the T.V that was located across Subject M's capsule. Bill picked up the remote from the coffee table and turned the T.V on.

"John, what's the channel!"

"Channel 306!"

Bill punched the numbers on the remote and the channel came on.

"Today is the 7 month anniversary of the disappearance of the young couple Maya Fetus and Jake Goodman." The news reporter sorrowfully announced.

Then a picture of them appeared on the t.v screen. The picture was appeared to be taken at a school dance. Jake posed with two thumbs up and a huge smile on his face as Maya leaned and kissed him on the cheek.

"The two were kidnaped from their homes while they were alone. If anyone knows about the whereabouts of these two, please contact

Then Bill decided to change the channel to The Weather Network.

"Rescue groups are cleaning up the remains from the 7.9 Earthquake and Tsunami that hit Long Beach, California 4 months ago. Countless charities are being held internationally with all the proceedings going to those who lost homes, lost loved ones and the injured in this horrible natural disaster. Here at The Weather Network, we're going to have a Summer Beach Bash happening at Wasaga beach, Ontario Canada with all the proceedings going to the Earthquake survivors. The Beach Bash dates are from July 3-6. See you there!"

Bill then turned the T.V off and went back to John.

"Bill, come see this!", John commanded Bill.

Bill instantly. Bolted over to the computer area where John was.

They closely observed the computer screen in silence as subject M and J fell into the lava pit. Maya held onto a jagged rock away from the lava while Jake splashed into the lava.

"OH NO!" John and Bill screamed in unison.

They both looked over to subject M who was spazzing out in her capsule.

John noticed subject M spazzing out so he went over and injected a sleeping drug into her. John then returned to the computer.

As soon as they saw Maya starting to climb up the pit, Bill decided to put her in another scenario.

John slapped Bill's hand which was reaching for the scenario button.

"It's too late Bill. We thought Subject M was going to complete the FAE safely and properly, instead she caused too many troubles for us. Bill turn on the T.V, they will nUniversal P.O.V

Bill and John were hovering over the monitor, shocked at what they were seeing.

"Why didn't we kill Subject J!Now Subject M knows about our experiment!"John shouted.

"I thought you killed it!"

"It was your job!Now Subject M knows about everything!Do you know what this means?"


John threw his arms in the air, exasperated."Subject M will try to escape the F.A.E.And we'll lose our last subject.And our experiment will be over."


"I knew I should have hired a competent scientist to help with the F.A.E experiment!"

Bill knew not to take what John said too personally.People do bad things when they're angry.
"I'll be in the break room if you need me."He said as he walked out of the room.As soon as Scientist Bill saw the news broadcast playing on the television he hurried back to the lab.

"JOHN!You need to see this!"

"What is it?"
Bill picked up the remote for the lab's television and turned it on, changing the channel to the news network.

"Today is the one month anniversary of the disappearance of Maya Metus and Jake Goodman."
A picture of Maya and Jake flashed on the screen.
"Their parents said the two teens had gone on a date one night and hadn't returned.Further investigation uncovered that they were possibly kidnapped.If anyone has any information on the whereabouts of Maya or Jake please contact (276)-CRIME."

A new reporter came up on the screen.
"Rescue groups are cleaning the wreckage from the Earthquake and Tsunami that hit Long Beach, California a few days ago.Countless charities are being held to help those who have survived the disasters.We will be holding a Beach Bash to help raise money.The Beach Bash dates are June 6 to June 9.We hope to see you there!"

John turned the television off."It doesn't matter what's happening right now, they don't know about our experiments;we must continue."
John went back to monitoring Subject M.
Bill looked away in horror as Subject J fell into the lava.Subject M quickly grabbed onto a rock that was jutting out and climbed up the wall to safety.

"Should we put the subject in a new scenario?"Bill asked.

"No.The experiment is being terminated.We thought Subject M would complete the experiment properly;the subject has revealed in this particular scenario that the F.A.E.'s are too dangerous to continued."

An alarm blared."Subject J's vital signs are low."A digital voice said.

The scientists rushed into the room containing Subject J.
The subject didn't appear to be breathing.The heart monitor started flatlining.
John listened for a heartbeat and felt for a pulse.
"The subject is dead."He announced.
The two walked out of the dead subject's room and walked into Subject M's containment room.

"We must terminate this experiment immediately."

Bill nodded in agreement as he pressed the button labeled release.

To be continued......
Rest In Pain Jake

Hello, Namastae, Salam Bonjour , Hola!

How do you guys like Nightmares so far? Clearly a lot has happened since I've last talked to you guys!

As always,


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