Chapter 4 [Edited]

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I woke up a bright light shining in my eyes.I stood up and looked around.The sun was shining,there were kids running around in the water,sand castles everywhere and a nice calm breeze.Everything around me fit the description of my dream beach.

I groaned as I got a look at myself.The floral towel I was on wasn't too bad but the fluorescent orange bikini I had on was probably the worst thing I've ever worn.

Why was I wearing a bikini?I never wear them and I doubt I own one.

My tan was the worst part.

But I was proved wrong as a group of teenage boys walked towards me.

"Damn."One of the boys said.

"I'd say she's a ten out of ten!"Another cut in.

"I'll be damned if I don't get a piece of this bronze goddess!"

"I'm taken!"

Taken by a crazy psycho for a boyfriend who thought brutally murdering me was the perfect 'date' for me.But they didn't need to know that.

The first boy smirked at me.

"I don't see him.How 'bout you Craig?You see this chic's boyfriend anywhere?"

'Craig' shook his head.

"I have a name."I said glaring.

"What would that name be?I bet it's something hot like Aphrodite!Maybe it's Cassie or Viola.Sonya maybe?"He continued to ramble on about what he thought my name was.

"Are you guessing Sonya just because I'm-!", I took a deep breath.

"It's Maya."I snapped.

" Damn!"He said again."Your name makes you even hotter!"

He reached up and lifted my chin in an attempt to kiss me.

I reacted quickly and moved my arm to push his away.I turned his arm and pinned it behind his back.I gently lifted it a bit.He let out a howl of pain.

"I told you I'm taken."I hissed in his ear.

He had the nerve to wink at me."I think girls that can fight are hot.What do you think boys?"

His group let out a chorus of 'Hell yeah's.

I rolled my eyes and let go of his arm.I punched him in the face as he cradled his arm.

'Now get out of my face!"

The boy and his group walked away.

"Thanks a lot!Now we lost the hottest girl on the beach!"I heard 'Craig' complain.

"Thank god that's over."

I grabbed the beach bag that had my name embroidered on it.I pulled out a and pair of sunglasses that I think belonged to be and walked to the snack bar.The ground trembled a bit and I was knocked off my feet.

"OH NO!"

The ground trembled again and I was slammed into the side of the snack bar.


The ground aggressively shook.I struggled to get on my feet.

Families quickly got out of the ocean,sandcastles were being destroyed and the breeze wasn't very calm anymore.The beach of my dreams was now the beach of my nightmares.

The gravel underneath us started cracking.The gravel road split open and everyone hurried to get on one of the sides.Unfortunately a few people fell through the crack.I was knocked over as someone tried to jump onto out side.The shaking stopped for a moment.


The panic started again.The people on my side wouldn't be able to run from the tsunami unless we jumped over the crack.A couple of people fell and dropped into the abyss.

I took a deep breath and leaped across.I let out a scream as I missed the other side.Now I was hanging off the side.

A kid who made it across turned around and helped me up.

"Thanks!You saved my life!"

"No problem! But we should hurry!"

I ran as fast as I could but it was hard to out run a giant wave as the ground shook.

"OH MY GOD!"I screamed in fear as a few kids were swallowed by the huge wave.

"RUN! SAVE YOURSELVES!"A man called out.

I froze. "What was the point?"

Someone shoved me forwards and I continued running.The giant wave was faster than us though.It would be nearly impossible to escape it.

I stopped running and turned to face the wave.

I screamed as the wave hit me.Then the world went black.

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