Part 23

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'@/arabella_cabrera too young to go. #RIP and may her rest be a lot less complicated then our relationship,' I write to twitter. It's been a week since she passed, every night I think of her, have nightmares about her, but she's in a better place. I cry for her every now and then, but I'm trying to stay strong for her.

I'm going back home today. Soon the 2013 tour is going to start, and since the album is finished I'm allowed to leave London.

Harry volunteers to come with me, but I say no. This is something that happened before we met, and I know he wants to go to his own home. Eleanor is going to meet me there next Sunday, though.

I have an easy drive there. Not much traffic in London today.

At last I pull up into Doncaster. I decide I'll spend the night at home and then go to Ara's old house tomorrow. As I pass it I see a 'For Sale' sign on the yard, though.

After that I drive angrily to my own home. They can't be selling Arabella house!

'Louis! Welcome home!' my mum exclaims as I walk through the door.

'Thanks mum. It's good to see you,' I say genuinely. The past week I've been quite homesick.

'Louis!' One of the girls calls.

'Hey Lottie, hey Fiz, hey Daisy, hey Phoebe,' I greet the four of them. They all hug me at once, and for the first time in a while, I really do feel at home.


The next day I wake up very early. Like Arabella always would...

Something about being home made me relate everything to her.

I walk over to her house quietly. I bend down and find the key.

'Still under the mat...' I chuckle to myself.

I know it's wrong to go into the house that won't be the Cabrera's for long, but I just need one last look at it. One more breath of the air Arabella breathed.

The house still smells like her perfume. I smile sadly at the familiar scent, and look around the house. The pictures of her as a baby, and as child are all still there.

Slowly I work my way to her room, still on the ground floor. I twist the knob and open up the door. In her room I find pictures covering her wall... of me. Me and the boys. At some point she had hung every picture of us in every magazine we were in on her walls. I feel a tear drip down from my eye. She really did care. Maybe she had loved me before that day.

I give a tearful laugh remembering some of the shoots. Then I move to her dresser. On top of it I find the old iPod I won for her back when we were eleven. I take the earplugs I had in my iPhone out and plug them into the ancient device. Then I put one in my right ear, and wait for it to turn on. I'm surprised to see our album cover pop up. The last song she listened to on this was 'Gotta Be You'.

I went through all the songs, it's all Taylor Swift and our first album. I put the iPod on shuffle and start looking through her things. But immediately stop when I realise what song came on.

'I said remember this moment, in the back of my mind...' Me and Ara's song. Our graduation song, the song that woke her up...

Tears start to fall faster as I listen to the lyrics. I easily decide that this song might as well be about me and her. Arabella singing about our adventure, me and her and me and the boys.

I continue to look through her dresser. In one drawer is a list of things we pulled on all the teachers. She had written down every prank we ever pulled. In another drawer was three pictures, all in frames. One was me and her when we were maybe 10 years old, the time our family's took us to London. The next was us on graduation day. That made me cry harder, listening to the song. The last was me and her in France. But a note was attached to that one:

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