Part 17

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"Okay, now lets get one of you over there," Mitchell instructs. I walk over to the spot he was pointing at and pose. The photographer snaps a few pictures, and I'm dismissed for the day.

'So excited about this week's shoot!! July's gonna be a good month in France ;) Xxx (picture attachment)' I write to twitter, posting a picture I took yesterday, the first day of June. I'm excited for July, it's started out well.

Just then I get a text from Eleanor. 'Todays the day after Louis' tour ended. You should talk to him. Missing you lots (pictures look great, tho)!!! Xxx' As if. I've never been happier here alone, away from all the drama. I really miss Eleanor, yes, but certainly not Louis. The only major downside is I haven't gotten a chance to talk to Matthew yet. I honestly don't know if I'm still mad at him anymore. I mean, you never know, it could've just been a publicity thing for the girl. I'm just looking for an explanation.

'Maybe.. Thanks tho!! Missing you too :( talk to you later xxx' I type quickly. Then I run back to my hotel. I plop down on my bed and open up a few books. I read a little Nicholas Sparks, then switch to a French dictionary. I'm trying to learn as much as I can while I'm here, and being surrounded by the language, it's coming fairly easily.

'You know I speak French,' I remember Harry saying last year one day on set. I kind of wish he was here to help me...

No. I'm here to get away from the drama. Everyone's happier that way. I get back to studying.


'Ah, France. This'll be nice,' I think to myself as my plane lands. I'm meeting Eleanor here next week, and then we'll be staying here together for three weeks.

I know, Arabella's here, too. Maybe I'll text her and we can all three meet up one time. But how much of a difference can she really make? It's a big city!

I walk off with the rest of the passengers and make my way through baggage claim. Once I've found my suitcases I hail a cab and drive to my hotel Harry had translated for me at one point but I couldn't remember the French pronunciation now.

Once I arrive I make my way up to the top floor, and feel a sense of emptiness when I see the giant king sized bed. No Eleanor to take the left side...

'Why don't I look around a bit?' I think to myself, walking over to the window. I smile at the sight of the Eiffel Tower just a couple blocks down. There's a little restaurant a little closer, so I decide to go there for dinner. It's 5:00 now. That's 4:00 in London. Why don't I wait an hour...

I could go to the Eiffel Tower. Yeah, that's a nice way to kill an hour.

So I walk down, disguise of a hat and sunglasses on. I walk up to the grassy area and sit on a bench. For awhile I sit there admiring the structure, until I notice a brunette girl sit across from me. I smile to myself as she starts feeding the pigeons bread. My initial reaction is a memory of Kevin the pigeon, since the face seem to love him so much, but then another memory surfaces. Of me and Arabella doing the same thing when we were 10 and went out for that picnic near London. I smile more at that thought.

I smile most when I see who's feeding the pigeons. Her hazel eyes look slightly alarmed at first, but she smiles, too, after a minute.

"Hey Arabella," I say. "Fancy meeting you here."


'I just can't get away from this kid, can I?' I think to myself as he talks.

'Yeah. Like a nice surprise, I guess,' I offer.

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