Part 16

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I'm supposed to hate Arabella. Recently her misery was fine by me. But it really unhinged me to see her actually cutting herself. Or about to.

'Eleanor?' I ask, popping my head in her bedroom. No ones there. Why did she invite me over when she's nowhere in the flat?

I could ask Arabella...

No. Stupid idea. I decide to call her when I find a note on the kitchen table.

'Louis, find the map, connect the dots, and find your prize ;) xxx -El.'

I follow the instruction, and find that the map leads to a restaurant I took her to on our second date. I love the idea, and I love seeing her, but I can't seem to get Arabella out off my mind. I mean, I saw her wrist. This obviously wasn't the first time she's done this to herself.

Although, Eleanor does a hell of a job getting my mind off things. It's going to be a nice three weeks of not traveling, and just staying home with her and the boys and maybe my family. It's been a stressful few months, and we still have the American tour.

But our date ends way too soon. And then I have to go home, all alone. That's when the real worrying starts. How could Arabella even think about doing that to herself? When did it happen before? Why did she cut in the first place? Has she done anything else? Did I do the right thing?

Questions like these keep popping up in my brain. Maybe I should be nicer to her. Maybe we just shouldn't talk anymore. Yes, that way I can't do anything stupid to upset her. I can't screw up her life more than I already have. That will work.


'Be nice!' Eleanor hisses as she walks to the door. As far as she knows, this will be the first time I'm seeing Louis since the tour started.

I know, I should've told her. But how could I? When could I? She's been so bubbly since Louis' arrival in London.

'I will be!' I assure El. 'Not that it matters. He's the one who's never nice...' I think.

The door swings open, and I see for the first time in quite awhile a smiling face on him. And it doesn't fade when he sees me. Actually, he never directly sees me, anyway. I guess instead of playing nice or being rude, he's just done with me. Good. No awkward moments between the two of us now.

'Ahem,' Eleanor clears her throat a bit too loudly to get my attention. She tilts her head towards Louis and I realize what she means.

'Hey Louis,' I say politely, giving a little wave while holding the ends of my sleeve to the middle of my palm with the tip of my index, middle, and ring finger.

'Hello,' Louis greets rather cheerfully. I give a friendly smile and turn to Eleanor to see if that suited her. The look in her eyes said it was fine and she summoned me away.

Then I grabbed my phone, plopped on my bed and turned on the telly. Hm, new text message from Antoine.

'Hey Arabella, you ready for a new shoot? This is a big one ;) xx'

'Always! Haha when should I come down there? Xx'

'How about tomorrow at 11? x'

'Sounds good, see you tomorrow! Xxx' I concluded the conversation. But what does he mean, 'This is a big one'? Whatever, I'm just glad to be working.

Louis and El are gone most of the night, leaving me in the flat by myself for the night. So I eat, then sleep. Exciting, right?

The next morning I wake up at 8:30, giving me ample time to get ready before I meet with Antoine. So I shower, put on my makeup, eat breakfast, and am ready to go right in time.

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