Part 14

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'ELEANOR!' I scream, barreling through the flat.

No one answers.

'Hmm... where could a sneaky Eleanor be when I just got home?' I ask, well, myself. I turn and point to an obvious hiding space behind the fridge and yell, 'Ha!'

But she's not there either. I walk through the kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and finally I get to the bathroom.

'ARABELLA!' El exclaims, popping up from behind the bathroom door, and jumping onto my back.

'I found you!' I yell, letting her hop off me so I can hug her.

'You're home!' she still sounds unconvinced.

'Yupperdoodles. But El it was only two weeks.'

'It felt more like two centuries here. But are you saying you didn't miss me?!' she gasps.

'No! I'm saying I had a lot on my mind.'

'Oh... well tell me ALL about the video. I want details, girl, DETAILS!' she commands. We both start laughing and plop on the couch. I really did miss her so much.

Then I proceed in telling her the entire story, from the moment I first saw Louis by the lake. How everything was bad, then good, then bad again.

'But why'd you get mad at him?' she asks once I finished most of the story.

'Umm... you sure you wanna know? 'Cause it kinda involves you...' I mutter.

'Umm... I don't know do I? Tell me. Wait no don't! Wait... yes. I mean! Erm, yes,' she stutters.

'Alright...' I say suspiciously. I see her mouth form into a 'No' shape, so I slap my hand over her mouth and continue.

'So as I was saying- hey!' I yell as she licks my hand to get it away.

'Really El? I grew up being best friends with LOUIS. And I just recently spent to weeks basically living with five guys. I've endured much worse,' I sneer. My hand does not move from her mouth. She gives a shrug and an 'it was worth a shot' expression.

'Anyway... I was mad 'cause I felt kind of... unwanted I guess, when I found out Lou was texting you, but not me. So when I first saw him I told him that, and he said that you two were just friends-'

'Which we are,' Eleanor interrupted moving her hand from my mouth while I was distracted.

'Right. For now... but anyway! He agreed we would all just be friends and shit and we all got along. But the last day, he told me how that was gonna change...'

'What do you mean?' she asks with wide, curious eyes.

'Eleanor... Louis' gonna ask you out.'


'Hey El,' I say into the phone.

'Hey Lou. You wanna hangout? I heard you guys are back in London,' I can almost see her smirking.

'Sure. How's Saturday?'

'Perfect. Saturdays perfect. You can come over to our place. You know where it is. See ya then!'

'Bye.' Then I hear her make a 'Muah!' sound, and she hangs up.

'Good for you, mate,' Harry says from behind me, 'Finally worked up the courage to ask her out eh?'

'Its not that I was like... scared, it's just with Arabella-'

'I was kidding! I know the whole soap opera, god Louis! You think I don't listen? Maybe Ara was right, you are stupid,' Harry jokes more obviously this time.

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