Part 8

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I run home as fast as I can. That really just happened. We had our first fight, kiss, and then broke up. What? 

Well whatever. I don't need him and clearly he doesn't need me. So that's done. 

Once I get to my house I find El asleep on the couch in the living room. I bring her a blanket since its freezing, then run to my room. 

It looks weird. Unused. Pointless. I shrug, it's got a bed and a ceiling. That's all I need. 

Still I don't get any sleep that night. All I can think about is what Louis said, and what I left unsaid. And now I'll never have the chance to tell him. Like how I became a model. How college is going. 

How I don't love him back. 

He may have liked it, but it wasn't what I wanted. It was wrong. 

But I push away that thought. Because I'll never get to tell anyone. I feel like without Louis, I just disappeared from this town. No one cares. No wants to listen. I can't tell Eleanor, since she likes Louis. So why bother thinking it in the first place. 

Finally I do fall asleep, but I am better off awake. I have a nightmare of the last time I saw my father. I kept calling to Louis, because he's standing right there, but he wouldn't help. He just watches and laughs as my father turns me into his slave. 

My dad's about to whip me when my eyes pop open and I find myself sitting up, slightly panting, a bead of sweat trickling down my forehead. But the important part is I'm back in bed. I glance over at the clock, 7:52. It may be early but I'd rather be downstairs then in this room. 

So I walk downstairs, get myself a bowl of cereal and watch tv. Luckily Eleanor's a heavy sleeper, and doesn't wake up until maybe ten. 

'Hey, how long you've been up?' she asks groggily. 

'Awhile,' I answer bluntly. 

She snorts, 'Sure. Can I have breakfast?' 

I get up, put my bowl in the sink, and get her one. 

After that we have a lazy day. I throw my hair in a high ponytail and fishtail El's. Then we put on tanks and grey sweat pant. We spend the whole day watching tv, eating junk food, and going on my laptop. 

The rest of the week is basically the same. We go shopping on Saturday, and walk around town a lot, but other then that it's quite peaceful. I love it. No shoots to worry about, no essays to write. It's just me and Eleanor. 

Soon the week is over and we drive back to Manchester. We move our stuff back into our dorm and get reacquainted with some of our college friends. Its Saturday now, we're going to a huge New Years party, all the freshman are there. 

'Ugh, this is awful,' El complains after my friend Matthew, a model I've worked with, leaves. I raise an eyebrow. 'Its New Years! Which means I need to kiss someone at midnight. And so do you how are you so relaxed?' she asks. 

I laugh, 'I have never thought about letting someone kiss me just because it's the beginning of the year. I mean, if you're openly inviting guys to kiss you, every girl here might as well be wearing a shirt that says 'Free Fucks'. Having a guy as an old best friend, I know that just by asking a guy to kiss you, even on new years, they'll take it the wrong way. So... yeah I don't believe in the whole 'Kiss me at midnight' thing.' 

'Wow. And all this time I thought it was just a gesture,' Eleanor says sarcastically. 

'Hey, it's your call. If you want to put yourself out there by all means go ahead,' I tell her, 'I mean that is just my opinion.' 

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