The Dragon Sanctuary

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Hiccup had passed out from the ride with the Nightfury he had no idea why they took him. He kept dreaming again and again of trying to tell his dad to stop he is yelling they won't hurt you but he wouldn't listen and the dragons and him fly further and further away.

Hiccup started waking up and couldn't believe what he was seeing. There were mountains of green and waterfalls everywhere. There were creeks and dragons everywhere. Everywhere you see there are so many different dragons not just Nightfurys there were so many different dragons it was incredible. It was like a dragon sanctuary where dragons live in peace away from threats.

Hiccup realized that the dragon with green eyes was in front of him. The dragon was just looking at him. Hiccup was so scared he didn't know what to do. He looked around at how happy every dragon was. He saw Nightfuries chasing each other near him they looked at peace. Hiccup was always told that dragons were the enemies but he realized they were kind amazing creatures. 

The dragon was jumping around and happy to see him. Hiccup began to walk around and saw all of the different dragons and the dragon was following him as well. The dragons were following him everywhere. Then Hiccup made his way to an edge he looked at the few of all the other dragons and saw how happy they seemed to be. Hiccup then turned around and saw some nightfuries trying to get closer to him. 

Hiccup wasn't sure what to think he had no idea why they brought him their. Then he ran the other way and what he thought was a dead end was a cliff. He ran to try and escape the dragons then was falling down a hill. Once he reached the bottom he jumped from off the ground and dusted himself off he sat up and saw the water falls and creeks around him. He then turned around and saw the black nightfury with green eyes behind him. 

Hiccup wasn't sure why he was brought here. He looked at the Nightfury and said "why did you bring me here. My father is probably looking for me? I understand you aren't going to hurt me but why bring me here? What do you want from me?" 

Hiccup didn't know what to think then he heard a loud screech and saw a dragon diving down from the sky. It was a Deadly Nadder. The dragon flying and dove down near the ground. But the dragon had some sort of net on their wings. Hiccup had never seen a deadly nadder but their they were clear as day. They had beautiful spikes on their head and their tale had spikes to shoot at. 

As soon as the dragon fell to the ground with the net on its wings. The night fury rushed over. Then he looked up at the sky and made large roar and blasted  a plasma blast into the sky as if he was trying to send for help. Then multiple nightfuries came flying down towards the deadly Nadder. 

Hiccup saw the net on the wings the Nadder looked like she was in so much pain. The Nightfuries were gathered around the Nadder. One of them tried to use their teeth to take the net off but no matter what they did the Nadder just was in too much pain. 

Hiccup felt so bad for the dragon he walked carefully over and tried to help the dragon. Then the same Nightfury with green eyes looked at Hiccup trying to come over and growled in his face. Hiccup said "It's ok I won't hurt you the dragon looks like she is hurt."

Hiccup slowly walked towards the Deadly Nadder as the Nightfuries growled at him then watched him carefully. Hiccup slowly walked over trying to show that he wasn't going to hurt them. The Nadder saw him coming to her. She had her tail spines out ready to attack. Hiccup said "It's ok I am not going to hurt you" he slowly went to the Deadly Nadder's head and carefully touched the Deadly Nadder and got closer to the net. He saw the net trap was over the Nadder's wings and she couldn't fly properly she was trapped in the net. 

Hiccup looked at the nightfuries and looked at the Deadly Nadder. He slowly tried to take the net off. The nightfuries kept on growling as hiccup was slowly taking the net off her wing. But she was really trapped in the net. Then in the bushes Hiccup saw a wooden spear possibly left from other people who had come here he guessed. He ran over and grabbed it then used the spear to cut the net and free the Nadder.

The Deadly Nadder was free and jumped up off the ground and looked at Hiccup. She wondered over to him and looked directly at him. 

Hiccup saw the Deadly Nadder and wasn't sure what she would do. Then she rubbed up against hiccup as if she was thanking him. Hiccup then said, " your welcome!" He noticed how much calmer the Nadder had become.  

Then the Deadly Nadder tried to get up and fly into the distance, but couldn't it seem the net trap hurt her wing. Then some of the nightfuries went towards her and rubbed up against her. She then ran into the distance into a cave and the nightfuries followed her. 

Hiccup watched the Nightfuries go after her. He couldn't believe he was here. With the spear in his hand he looked at it closely and saw a symbol he had seen before. Hiccup realized it was berk's seal their crest. Then he turned around with the spear in his hand and saw the same Nightfury that took him away from berk. 

The Nightfury seemed calmer and wasn't growling anymore. Hiccup felt a close bond with him and reached his hand out to touch his forehead. But then the Nightfury growled when he saw the spear in Hiccups hand. Hiccup then threw it away to the side. The Nightfury then relaxed and hiccup put his hand out again and the Nightfury let him touch his forehead. 

Hiccup then walked to the distance and saw all the dragons flying again. The Nightfury followed close behind him. Hiccup still couldn't believe that everything he knew about dragons was wrong. He was always told to kill a dragon on sight. But they are kind amazing creatures that could bring people together. 

Hiccup looked at the Nightfury and said "I could have killed that baby dragon that night and become a hero at berk, I guess you brought me here because you knew that I didn't belong there. I never found my place at berk, but I found my place here with dragons." Hiccup realized he could never go back. He looked at the dragon and being with him felt right he had finally found his place here with dragons. 

Even if it meant he could never see his Dad again he knew Hiccup could never go back. 

Hiccup was looking into the distance then behind he heard a sound behind he saw a small river where there were many fish. The Nightfuries that followed the Deadly Nadder were trying to catch fish it seemed like they were quite hungry. 

Then the Nightfury that was with Hiccup made a large roar sound again and blasted 3 plasma blasts into the sky. Then hundreds of dragons came to the river. 

Hiccup couldn't believe his eyes there were so many different types of dragons around him. Some glowed and some caught on fire. He couldn't wait to learn about all the different dragons here. 

Hiccup noticed them all gathering around the river and trying to catch some fish. The Nightfury that was with Hiccup blasted the river and fish came flying into the air. All the dragons then began to blast and catch some tasty fish. Hiccup saw a fish landed next him and as he was thinking how hungry he was and was about to eat it even though it was raw. He then saw a familiar face run up to him. It was the baby Nightfury that he saved. 

He couldn't believe that it was her. She rubbed up against him so happy to him. Then she looked at the fish Hiccup had. Hiccup threw the fish in the air and the baby Nightfury caught it. Hiccup said, "There you go you probably need it more than me." 

The Nightfury then returned with a fish in his mouth and dropped it directly in front of Hiccup. The dragon obviously wanted Hiccup to eat it as he sat back and watched waiting for Hiccup to eat it. But Hiccup said "Thankyou but I don't really eat raw fish." The Nightfury just kept looking at him. He then turned and roared at a bright red dragon. 

The dragon came over, Hiccup had heard about these dragons they were call monstrous nightmares. Hiccup had never come face to face with so many dragons before. The Monstrous Nightmare looked at Hiccup then looked at the Nightfury. 

The Nightfury roared at the Monstrous Nightmare then the Monstrous Nightmare set his whole body on fire. Hiccup was terrified and dropped the fish and ran behind a tree. He then looked and saw the Monstrous Nightmare had blasted the fish and cooked it for him. 

Hiccup then got a stick and pierced the fish and then began eating it with the rest of the dragons. The Nightfury got a pile of fish and laid next to Hiccup. Just as Hiccup finished his fish the Nightfury used his snout to push another fish over to him. Hiccup declined since he was full enough then he realized something. He looked at the Nightfury and saw he had no teeth. Hiccup said, "That is so weird I swear you had teeth?" Then as Hiccup said that the Nightfury showed his teeth and ate the rest of his fish. Hiccup realized he had a lot to learn about dragons, but this was where he was really meant to be. 

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