Mate For Life

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It was another morning on their incredible island. Hiccup woke up to Terrible Terrors singing on the roof. Hiccup walked outside, and saw Toothless looking at the sky. Hiccup walked over to Toothless and said "I am sure she will be back soon Toothless." 

Then The Young Nightfuries flew and dove down straight to Hiccup and Toothless. They were running around so excited. They were very eager to start training. 

Hiccup got on Toothless's back and they went down to one of the lakes. They often practiced their since it was quiet and no dragons got accidentally shot at. The lake was so peaceful and it was right next to a forest that led to the edge of the island. 

It was so nice here without Hunters Hiccup just hoped they would leave them alone soon. 

Then Stormfly came flying down with a target for the nightfuries to fire at. Toothless went over to the lake and drank some water. Hiccup said, "Ok All you have to do is shoot straight at the target." 

Moon stepped forward and get ready to fire then fired a plasma blast right at the target. Then the target went flying into the forest. Hiccup was happy that she aimed correctly but Moon Probably needed to use less power if that was even possible. 

Toothless saw Moon blast the target far away and growled. He knew she could do better but was just playing around. The Nightfuries then laughed. But Once Toothless roared at them they were quiet. 

Hiccup said, I know you like to play but this is serious we may need your help with hunters soon and you have to be ready. Hiccup looked at Toothless and said, "Can you go find the Target." 

Toothless flew into the air and searched for the target. 

Toothless landed and saw the target near the forest. He was about to grab the target with his claws then heard footsteps behind a tree. Toothless looked and saw it was the Lightfury! Toothless went around in circles so happy to see the light Fury again. The Lightfury then growled at Toothless trying to get him to be quiet. 

She then ran into the forest. Toothless looked back at the way Hiccup was then ran after the Lightfury. Toothless was running around the trees trying to keep up with the lightfury then there was a clearing in the trees the near edge of the island. Toothless saw the Lightfury on the sand waiting and looking at him. Toothless stepped down closer to the Lightfury. The Lightfury began to flap her wings to begin the Mating Dance, Toothless began to do the same. 

It had been some time and Toothless wasn't back yet. Hiccup had the Nightfuries stay where they were. Hiccup got on Stormflies back and they flew into the air searched for the target or Toothless. Stormfly landed near the target and they noticed that Toothless wasn't there. Hiccup was worried something happened to him then he saw some white and black scales on the ground. Hiccup said, "White scales, These must have been from that Lightfury. She Must have come back!" 

Hiccup noticed another scale in the forest. Stormfly and Hiccup went into the forest to search for Toothless. They walked through the forest yelling "Toothless!!!" Trying to find him to make sure he was ok. Toothless and the Lightfury were finishing the mating dance and Toothless licked her forehead to show how much he loved her. Hiccup saw how happy they were he knew that once they finished Toothless would return. Toothless then looked and saw Hiccup hiding in the forest. Hiccup then walked back through the forest and picked the target up before returning to the Nightfuries. 

Toothless and Lightfury had finished their mating dance, they were in love and mated for life. Toothless was happy he never thought he would find a mate as beautiful as the one he had found. Toothless knew he had to get her to meet Hiccup somehow. The Lightfury looked at the ocean into the distance. But Toothless looked back at the island. Toothless roared at the lightfury then flew into the air. Toothless roared again trying to her to follow him. 

She neglectedly flew close behind him. She wasn't sure where Toothless was taking her. Toothless flew back up over the forest and landed on the ground he then looked and saw the Lightfury landed.   

Toothless saw the lake in the distance where Hiccup was training the Nightfuries. The Lightfury saw the lake Toothless was looking and saw the Nightfuries. Then she saw Hiccup. She growled and stopped where she was standing. Toothless roared and tried to tell her that Hiccup was different he wouldn't hurt her. Toothless began taking a few more steps forward then he turned around looked back as the light fury and saw her with some sort of dart on her body and collapsed on the ground. Then Toothless saw behind a rock behind the Lightfury. A HUNTER! 

Toothless looked at the light fury then the hunter. Toothless growled at the man he saw. Then another hunter behind Toothless fired a dart at him. Toothless felt so dizzy he collapsed to the ground. 

When Toothless woke up he saw the Lightfury next to him. They were in 2 separate cages. Being carried by the hunters through the forest somewhere. Toothless and the Lightfury had ropes and chains on their bodies and muzzle's on their foreheads. Toothless tried to scratch and claw his way out of the chains and ropes but he couldn't. He couldn't even blast the cage with the muzzle. The Lightfury roared at Toothless. Toothless knew he had to get out of the cage. Toothless rocked the cage back and forth but it was no use. Then Toothless saw the hunters bringing them onto a ship through the cage. Toothless had to something he wasn't getting out of here. 

Toothless took a deep breath and roared from deep inside he let out a ginormous roar hoping Hiccup would hear him. Hiccup was the only thing that could save them. 

Hiccup was wondering why Toothless hadn't returned yet. Hiccup thought that maybe he left with the Lightfury but he knew that Toothless wouldn't leave with out saying goodbye. 

Hiccup was training moon and the other Nightfuries then Hiccup heard a Nightfury roar. Not just any Nightfury he recognized; it was Toothless. Stormfly looked into the distance. Hiccup knew something must have happened. 

Hiccup got on Stormfly's back and looked at the Nightfuries and said, "Go Back to the house it is too dangerous!" 

They tried to argue but Hiccup wouldn't let them. Stormfly flew into the distance with Hiccup to find out what happened. Hiccup then saw it not 1 but 12 ships all filled with empty cages. They landed on the beach near the forest again. 

Hiccup saw hunters bringing dragons in cages onto the ship. He knew that Toothless was trapped and he had to save him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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