Finding the Alpha

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Every time Hiccup had heard the roar was at in the afternoon and no matter how many dragons followed the roar by the morning the dragons had always returned. 

But the last roar was in the middle of the day. Hiccup went to sleep that night hoping to see the dragons the next morning. Hiccup woke up and heard Nightfuries making sounds outside. He rushed outside looking for all the dragons to be there but instead he saw Toothless and the Baby Nightfuries eating fish. His smile went straight to a frown. 

Toothless walked up to Hiccup to see what was wrong. Hiccup looked at Toothless and said, "it's ok Toothless I am happy you are still here, but I thought all the dragons would be back by now." 

Toothless looked at the baby dragons then heard a Deadly Nadder sound. Hiccup ran to the edge of the cliff and the Deadly Nadder from yesterday came flying up and landed near his house. The Deadly Nadder ran over to Hiccup and rubbed up against him happy to see Hiccup. 

Hiccup knew something must have happened. Every time the dragons always came back by morning. Hiccup looked into the distance and then looked at Toothless. 

He walked over to Toothless and said, "Toothless we have to find the other dragons and whatever was controlling you we have to stop it. Otherwise, it will soon try to control you again." 

Toothless looked back at the Baby Nightfuries and knew the alpha would call again and the babies would be in danger. Hiccup walked over to the Deadly Nadder and said, "We are going to find what took the dragons away can you protect the baby Nightfuries for us? "The Deadly Nadder looked at Baby Dragons. She went over and nudged them and screeched at them. Then they all climbed on top of her. Toothless then roared at the Deadly Nadder and the Deadly Nadder bowed to Toothless. 

Hiccup got on Toothless's back and they flew into the air off the cliff. Toothless turned back to the cliff and Hiccup said, "We will be back soon we promise." 

The deadly Nadder bowed again and Toothless turned around and flew into the distance.

Hiccup and Toothless flew into the distance, Hiccup said, "We have to find out where those dragons are being followed you know the skies Toothless can you get scent at all?" 

Toothless was smelling trying to find something, then he roared he had got a scent. 

They had been flying for a couple of hours now. Hiccup and Toothless just kept flying over the water just searching for anything that could lead them to the dragons. 

Then in the distance they saw an island. Toothless and Hiccup were hopeful maybe the dragons stopped their they thought or some trace of them was. 

Toothless flew faster then before he was excited to see something other than the sea.  

The island was filled with green grass and trees with rivers flowing everywhere. There was no dragon to been seen though. They searched everywhere but all they could find was trees. The trees were so thick Hiccup and Toothless could only see parts of the island. They decided to land and walk on foot. 

Once they saw a clearing they landed and began to search the island. They came to a river and Toothless smelled dragon's multiple dragons. Hiccup said, "What is it, where they here?" Hiccup thought maybe they stopped to get a drink. 

They were about to give and keep on searching then the river started to flow the other way. Toothless noticed this and started to growl. Hiccup was wondering why Toothless was growling and said, "What is it?" Then a green fin tail rose above the water. Hiccups stepped back he realized it was a dragon. The dragons head came above the water his whole body was green. 

The dragon was very long with an oval head, Hiccup had heard about these dragons they were Scauldron . The Scauldron was getting ready to blast. Toothless grabbed Hiccup and ran behind a tree. The dragon tried to climb out of the river to try and find Hiccup. Hiccup and Toothless hid trying not to be seen. 

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