Flying A Dragon

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As the sun went down Hiccup laid back on the grass as he drifted off to sleep. 

The next morning Hiccup woke up as the sun was beginning to rise. He woke and saw all the dragons flying around in the distance. Then he saw the Nightfury from before up on the hill that Hiccup fell down. Hiccup began the climb he used all of his strength and muscles to climb up the hill. 

When he reached the top, he saw some Nightfuries fly into the distance off the island they were on. While the Nightfury he saw from below was watching some baby nightfuries playing together. 

The Baby Nightfuries saw Hiccup and came running to him and knocked him over and licked him. The Nightfury then roared, and the baby dragons ran back to where they were playing. 

Hiccup stood up and then looked at the Nightfury. Hiccup said, "Thank you for bringing me here, I can tell we are going to be very best friends." 

The nightfury rubbed up against Hiccup so happy to him. 

Hiccup thought to himself then said, "You know if we are friends you need a name don't you? What about Toothless? What do you think Toothless you like that name?" 

The nightfury jumped around and ran around Hiccup in circles. Toothless was very happy with his name. 

In the distance there was 5 nightfuries flying over the waterfalls and having so much fun together. 

Toothless looked into the distance then looked back at Hiccup. Hiccup saw how badly Toothless wanted to go fly and explore. Hiccup said, "It's ok you can go for a fly, I will be ok here."

Toothless looked at Hiccup then pushed his snout against Hiccup and turned around with his back to Hiccup. As if he was trying to tell him something. Hiccup was confused on what was happening. 

Toothless then pushed his snout but this time he knocked him over and before Hiccup hit the ground Toothless ran around and Hiccup fell on Toothless back. Hiccup hopped off and back on the ground. He looked at Toothless and said, "Wait do you want me to fly on your back with you?"

Toothless ran around excited that Hiccup finally knew what he wanted. Hiccup then said, " Well let's go explore and see what else we can find?"

Hiccup nervous since he had never flown a dragon. Got on Toothless's back and held tight. Toothless looked back at him and growled. Hiccup then said, "Ok Toothless let's go!"

Toothless ran and jumped off the cliff. He dove straight down towards the ground with his wings tucked in Hiccup wasn't sure what to do he held on tight and closed his eyes. Feeling the wind on his hair and face. 

Then Toothless let his tail out and went up in the sky higher and higher then levelled out and flew straight past where they ate last night. Hiccup heard toothless growl then looked up and was amazed at what he was seeing. There were Deadly Nadders, hobblegrunts, gronckles, Nightfury's and Stormcutters all flying around in the air. They were playing games in the sky or just flying freely. 

Hiccup had never seen anything like it. Then 3 Nightfuries flew past them, one roared back at Toothless as if they wanted him to chase them. Then Toothless looked back at the cliff. He flew towards the cliff where the baby Nightfuries were playing. He roared and they jumped and came flying into the air. Then Toothless growled again at Hiccup. Then Hiccup said, "It's ok Toothless let's go after them come on!" 

Toothless followed by the baby nightfuries flew into the distance. Hiccup held on tight going past all the other dragons. The dragons saw Hiccup Riding Toothless and didn't attack they knew Hiccup was a friend and wasn't going to hurt them. 

Hiccup held on to Toothless's back they flew higher flying around and chasing the other Nightfuries. 

Then they were high in the sky and a huge gust of wind made Hiccup fly off Toothless. The wind knocked Hiccup off Toothless's back he was flying, twirling down to the ground. 

Toothless looked and saw Hiccup falling he roared and dived down trying to get their in time. Toothless dived going as fast as he could. Hiccup saw Toothless diving down and got ready to hold onto him. They were getting closer to the ground then Toothless got close enough and Hiccup got on his back, just as they were about to hit the ground Toothless let his tail out and flew back up into the sky where the nightfuries were. 

Hiccup said "Thanks Toothless that was close I might have to make something so that doesn't happen again." 

Hiccup made sure to hold on tight and they kept on flying with the Nightfuries old and young. They flew all day exploring the waterfalls and seeing all their was to see on the island. 

Toothless landed back on the cliff. Back on the ground. Hiccup looked around and said "You may all sleep outside, but I might have to make myself a little home, and a saddle or something to hold onto you." 

Toothless grumbled in excitement. As the sun set Hiccup couldn't believe the amazing day he had. The sun was beginning to set as the dragons all landed nearby ate food and began to rest. Then there was a huge roar in the distance, something Hiccup had never heard before. Some dragons stayed others went into the distance went towards the roar. 

Toothless stayed with Hiccup and growled. Hiccup didn't know what the roar was but Toothless didn't like it. 

Over the next few weeks Hiccup got to work. With the help from the Monstrous Nightmare, he was able to create an axe to cut down trees. Hiccup cut down trees and began to make himself a little house. The house was made from wood and had a fake Nightfury head in the front of it. Inside the house was a bed, table to sit at, little fireplace and bathroom. With the help of the dragons Hiccup could do anything. 

Then Hiccup got working on a forge, well not really a forge more he got a Gronkle and found a river to help him melt items together. Hiccup found items on the island and created a saddle. 

The saddle allowed him fly on Toothless for hours and never fall over and never feel pain. Toothless wasn't sure at first but felt quite comfy with the saddle on his back. 

Hiccup wasn't the strongest but was never alone the dragons helped him a lot with the saddle and building his house. Every morning Hiccup and Toothless would go on a huge fly then they would work on his house then they would hear the roar of that dragon. 

They would then fly at night and by the time morning came the dragons would have returned. 

Hiccup couldn't be happier living with dragons. He was never like the other vikings and he knew the dragons would be safer with him instead of on berk. 

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