Where did he Go?

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At a flash of light Hiccup was gone. Stoick saw him surrounded by Nightfuries one moment then gone the next. Stoick couldn't hear himself breath or think he kept imagining this moment Hiccup gone forever. Stoick ran up to where the Nightfuries had Hiccup frantically searching for him. 

Then familiar footsteps ran up to the hill. A female ran up yelling "Stoick, what what happened what was all the yelling?" Stoick looked at her knowing how upset he was and what he had to say what going to hurt her. 

Stoick looked at the woman and said, "Valka I know you had thought peace was possible but, but you didn't see what I saw." Valka looked worried by the words he had been seeing she saw the tears in his eyes. Stoick looked at Valka took a breath and held her by the hands. Stoick said, "My love the pack of Nightfuries they, they took our boy, they took Hiccup."

Valka stood still in shock. Why would a dragon do this? Why would they take her boy. She asked herself. Tears filled her eyes and she looked at Stoick and said, "No what, what happened, why would they take our son our only child." Valka had tears flowing down her cheeks she was overcome with guilt and emotion if only she could do more to protect him. 

Stoick took a breath again and said "it all happened so fast he was up here and then I saw a pack of Nightfuries with him and they were firing at us. Then he said something about they won't hurt him. Then they picked him up and disappeared into the distance." 

Valka kept asking Why, how? and then said "I always thought peace was possible among dragons but there must have been a reason for them to take him, to take our son. Will we ever see him again?"

Stoick looked at the men that surrounded him. He looked at Valka and said "They have to be somewhere they wouldn't kill him he has never killed one of them. My love we will find him we will search this whole island if we have to. Go my love go back to the house we will search the island and bring him home."

Valka returned to the house she wasn't must of a fighter and knew she couldn't help much for the search but waiting to hear if they found Hiccup was worse than fighting. 

While Valka waited back at home Stoick gathered as many Vikings as possible and began the search. 

Hours had passed. They all spread out and searched all over the island. They would not stop and would not give up until they found Hiccup. Gobber went with Stoick and a few other men. Searching every hill and every cave but they found nothing. 

They went past so many caves then, when they were about to turn back Stoick heard a sound Echo from the last cave he rushed over and ran in the cave, Gobber followed. Stoick ran with a smile on his face hoping to find Hiccup. 

But he came to an end, and nothing was there. 

He crouched on the ground and felt the dirt and gravel within his hands. Feeling Gobber's Prescence behind him he sighed and asked Gobber "Why did they take him away; he was saying that they wouldn't hurt him but then they take him?" Gobber then replied and said, "I really don't know Stoick, but we will find him, he is part of the tribe, he may not be strong and have never killed a dragon." Stoick sighed and turned to face Gobber and said "This is my fault I should have trained him sooner maybe he would still be alive if I had taught him to fight." 

Gobber saw his friend's sad face and said, "It isn't over yet chief, It isn't over until we find a body."

Stoick said nothing more and left the cave. He saw all the other men that had gathered together. Stoick said, "He isn't here let's head back." 

He then looked at the midnight black sky and said to himself "Where are you Hiccup?" 

All the Vikings walked back to Berk with their heads down sad that they didn't find Hiccup. The sun was just started to rise, and it was not a good night. Stoick looked at his house and opened the door he saw Valka sitting at the table with her head down. She saw Stoick come in and close the door. 

Hoping that Hiccup was about to come in but then, Stoick took a deep breath and sat down. 

Valka knew he didn't find him. Valka looked at Stoick with worry and said "Did you find any trace of him Stoick please." Stoick then said "I'm sorry I didn't, the nightfuries just disappeared without him." 

Valka felt so angry with Stoick and said, "Our boy is gone Stoick, he is gone because of this war with the dragons, peace could be possible, but you continue with this war and now he is gone, gone forever!"

Valka was so angry she rushed upstairs into Hiccups room and looked at his empty bed and she couldn't believe he was really gone. 

Hours had passed, the sun was well and truly up now. Stoick went to Hiccups room and saw Valka sitting on his bed. He walked over and faced Valka, took his helmet off and put it next to her and said "My love you are right, they take our food and destroy our village. This war has gone on for so long........" Valka then interrupted Stoick and said "Stop! Before you say anything, I am sorry". 

Stoick was shocked she said that she said that. Valka looked at Stoick and said "I always thought we were able to make peace between dragons, but....... they took our boy; they took our only child to thors knows where. They could have killed him; he can't fend for himself. He is gone." 

Stoick saw how upset Valka was and said "You are right maybe there could have been peace, but they have taken too much from us and now our son. I promise we will not stop searching until we find Hiccup, or we will kill every last night fury to get our revenge." 

Part of Valka knew killing every Nightfury was wrong, but she was so overcome with guilt and sadness she didn't know what to think. 

All Valka really knew was she wanted her son back. 

Stoick replied and said, "We will find him together." 

Valka agreed as they left Hiccup's room and went out of the house. Stoick saw all the Vikings around and he yelled at the top of his lungs GREAT HALL NOW EVERYBODY!!!

Vikings poured into the great hall and were chatting not sure what would happen next.

All the Vikings gathered at the great hall. Stoick took Valka's hand and said, "Listen up!"

The Vikings kept on chatting then Stoick yelled, "QUIET! Hiccup may not be on this island, but he is out there somewhere. Surviving on his own, Valka and I won't stop until we find him and bring him home. Now I know he isn't your kid, but he is a part of the tribe." 

All the Vikings discussed among themselves. One Vikings who went by Spitelout stepped up and said, "Stoick you don't even know where those beasts took him, who Know's how many you will encounter trying to find Hiccup?" 

Stoick took a deep breath and said, "your right we don't know what we will face or who we will encounter, but what would you do if it was your boy Spitelout?" 

Spitelout realized Stoick had him in a corner he tried to speak then Stoick said, "What would you do if it was your child everyone?" 

Spitelout shouted out "Your right Stoick we won't stop until he comes home." 

Stoick agreed and said "Good if anyone has a problem with that you talk to me. We will search every island until we find him, we set sail at dawn tomorrow be ready". 

Stoick and Valka left the great hall followed by Vikings and prepared for the Journey ahead. 

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