I still remember the first time we met

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June 25, 2016
New York City

"Would you come with us for the meeting?" Amber asked me as we got off work. 

"Nah meetings aren't my gig. I was thinking of getting drunk tonight. Wanna join? I am sure it is going to be more interesting than that boring meeting you're going to." 

"I can't dude, boss literally begged me to do the meeting because everyone here knows how good I am at persuading someone." She replied to my drinking offer. Guess she will live the night. 

"Okay then, I will see you tomorrow. Byeee, have a fun night attending the meeting." I mocked her and left the office building. 

I work as a landscape designer by day and get drunk in any bar by night. This is what I do every day. I was thinking of giving the new bar that opened right around the corner a try tonight. 

I got in and took a seat on the bar stool. "One whiskey, neat." I ordered and while I was waiting, I pulled my phone out to look at the tinder dates who swiped me right.

"Thank you and please keep repeating the drinks." I said and continued looking through my phone. 

"Is this seat taken?" I heard a man ask from behind me. I turned my head to see if he was asking me. Man, he is handsome. 

"Um, no. At least, I don't think it is the case." I said and kept my phone aside. 

"Do you always drink alone?" He asked, taking a seat right beside me. 

"Yes, I mean I didn't know that would be a problem." I said finishing my drink and the bartender filled my glass again. 

"I didn't say that. I was just asking. It's rare to see a beautiful woman like you get drunk alone like this." He did not just say that. 

"What? It makes me depressed? Really? What do you guys think these days?" I scoffed and completed my drink in one go and the bartender filled it again. 

"I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you. By the way, I am Cole, Cole Cassidy." 

"Yeah, I don't know anyone with that name. Thanks for the drinks" I looked for the badge for the bartender's name "Thank you, Mike. Here." I paid for the drinks with a little tip which made him happy. 

"So you're not getting drunk?" He followed me out of the bar. 

"No, I have plenty of drinks back home. I will just get drunk there." I answered and got in my car. 

"Can I join you? The bar was boring with you gone." And this makes you an easy and better target for me Cassidy. 

"Hop in." I drove us to my apartment. New York streets can be a little heavy with traffic so it took me a good and long twenty minutes just to reach my home which was just three blocks down. 

"Make yourself comfortable." I said unlocking the door to my home. 

"Wait on the couch and I will bring the bottles." I said pointing to the couch. My home wasn't much grand but I could say it was comfortable. 

"Don't you fear your safety at all? I mean I could be a serial killer who would kill you inside your own house and flee." He said but god, he doesn't know me yet. 

"But what if I kill you first? I mean I could be a serial killer too, who brought another victim to her territory and will kill him in the middle of the night and no one will even hear his screams." I said smiling slyly. 

"What if we're both serial killers and end up killing each other tonight?" He said shrugging his shoulders. 

"Moving on, do you want to eat something?" 

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