Oh la la, Ermanno Rossi

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Five days and I didn't hear from Cole. He wouldn't pick my calls so I thought he just needed space and time to think clearly so I did not be the obnoxious girlfriend who wants their boyfriends by their sides every time. 

And I succeed in that, also because we are not girlfriend-boyfriend. It was complicated, the relationship we shared. We never discussed about putting any label on our relationship so it's even more complicated to understand the feelings. 

"Your presence is needed in the meeting room." By the way, I got myself a new assistant. Male, tall, dark, and handsome, Ermanno Rossi. An Italian, who works like a robot and is the perfect assistant. Not that he doesn't have potential, but I am sure soon he will be promoted.

"Ah yeah, I was just coming. Ugh, my head hurts. I should not have gotten drunk last night. Thanks by the way, for dropping me home. I owe you one." I say as I rub my temples in order to lessen the pain. 

"Here, I thought you might need this." He says giving me a pain killer. 

"God Ermanno, you're a lifesaver." I say as I take the pill and leave for the hours long meeting. It was for the discussion for the big event tomorrow. Yep, the Official Signing Event. I wouldn't miss it for life. 

The meeting went on for two hours and a half and we discussed all possible details, even the finest ones so tomorrow's event will go on as smooth as possible. I asked Ermanno to visit the venue once and check if anything is needed or if it needs my assistance. 

"So how is it going for our new senior landscape designer? Your first official signing party tomorrow. Excited?" Amber walked into my cabin. 

"Ah, more like nervous. It is gonna be the first event I am organizing and I don't want any mistakes. Any mistakes." 

"Chill girl, it will the best. I know you're working hard. Don't be too hard on yourself, yeah?" 

"Yeah I am just...You tell me, how are things with your girlfriend?" She was asked out by the girl she cheated on with hotpocket, Justin. 

"We're doing fine. I am bringing her tomorrow to the party as my plus one." 

"Oh my god Amber, I am so happy for you. You finally found love who you can make love to, huh?" I say and we both spend the next ten minutes talking and she helped me take my mind off the stressy things for the time being. 

"So, who are you going to bring? It's your first party and you need to make a statement girl." My mind drifts back to Cole. I am sure I would bring him if he would be around but I don't even know where he is. Is he even okay or not, I don't know. 

"I am bringing Ermanno with me. He's my assistant so of course he will be coming with me. You need to go shopping with me tonight. If you have a date with Eve, bring along, I don't mind. I still need to meet her Amber, might as well do it tonight." I change the topic really well. 

"Okay fine. We were planning on more like a netflix and chill night but I guess we can do the shopping as well. So I will text you once I am free, yeah. I gotta go now." 

As I watch her leave, Cole fills up the vacant space in my mind. I wonder if he's okay. I hope he is. It has been five days, five long days since I didn't see him, since his breakdown in front of me. I just hope he didn't kill anyone again. 

"Everything seems fine with the venue but if you still need to take a look, here you go." Ermanno got me the pictures of the venue when it was completed. 

"God, everything is perfect not just fine. Thanks, what would I even do without you?" I say looking back towards him. He just stood in front of me smiling at the appreciation. "By the way, I need you to come with me as my plus one for tomorrow's event." I say skimming through the pictures. 

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