A piece of me died slowly

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No, we did not have sex last night. We just slept in each other's embrace, snuggled against each other, that's all. He understood that I had a big day today and he won't let me through this in pain. 

Although it is more about pleasure but it comes along with pain and even I didn't want to be informed about my promotion when I was dealing with serious after-sex cramps. 

"When did you wake up?" Cole walked toward me, still dazed, rubbing his eyes in order to wake himself up. 

"Oh, just now. I didn't want to wake you up, you were sleeping like a baby. So, I decided to drink some coffee and look at the pretty sunrise view you've got." 

"I don't have a sunrise view. There are building out in the front. You can't even see the sun from here." He stood in front of me in confusion, clearly written on his face, hands to the side, head slightly tilted to the left. 

"Exactly. I was just drinking coffee for I had this weird feeling." I said getting up from the windowsill. I walk up to him and put both of my arms on his shoulders. "Mr. Cole Cassidy, what are you doing to me?" I said and nuzzled his nose with mine. 

"You are nervous about the big news tonight so stop blaming it on me. I didn't even do anything last night." He stood there making a small pout as if he was disappointed in me that we didn't do anything last night. 

"I am sorry. I promise I will make it up to you when I come back." I said, placing the coffee mug on the little desk he had in this room. 

"By the way, what do you do for a living?" I ask opening the wardrobe where I had put in a few pairs of clothes last night, just in case. 

"Um...uh...I am...erm...uh...what do you call it, an...um...I am a manager? At the restaurant. Yes, I am the manager at the Black Sapphire restaurant in New York. I was here for some work and I am going back Thursday next week." 

"That's good. Well, you already know that I am the junior landscape designer and now I will be the senior landscape designer and replace Laurent. I don't get why he is happy about that but I am ecstatic." 

"You will definitely do a great job so let's just focus on today, okay?" 

"Yeah, whatever. I am going to take a shower now." 

"Oh, can I join?" He asked with a smug smirk on his face. 

"If you wanna get killed, sure." 

"This is what I love about you." 

I just give him a sly smile and enter the bathroom to take a nice warm shower. I took a nice 17 minutes before I came out wearing a bathrobe and a towel rolled up on my head with my wet hair only to find him sleeping again. 

"Cole? Cole! You might want to wake up now or else I will push you off the bed." He did not even move a muscle. "I won't let you touch me if you do not wake up at once." 

And there he is, waking up from the bed like a spring. "Don't you say that again and most definitely, don't use it against me or I am sure it will end badly." He walked over to me. 

"Oh yeah? Well, what would you do? You know how curious I can be." I replied but he did not reply and we stood there, staring into each other's eyes for a solid one minute before I dismissed myself from his room into the kitchen. 

"Do you wanna eat something? I am making cereal for myself. I need to stop by dad's for a minute as well. And by the way, where is the box of cereal kept?" I ask him standing in front of the fridge, taking out the bottle of milk. 

"It should be in one of the cabinets." 

"Wow, that's discrete. How long have you not eaten it?" I ask him back and go through the cabinets and find them lying in the second cabinet from the left. 

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