Chapter #4, A Newfound Perspective

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I know that no one will actually read this but I would like to try and have a better update schedule. I'm gonna try every Friday and maybe more if I feel like it. The chapters will most likely be quite short but I will try and put a lot of effort into writing them for you guys. It's hard with school and I usually lack motivation with writing so I hope you understand. I'm sorry if I don't stick to this schedule and I have already given you my possible reasoning for this. Thank you, now on with the chapter.


It had been a few hours since Ash and Gloria had met and honestly, Gloria was growing on them. She had shown Ash her 'friends' (Nether creatures) and her home in Jilathria.
Ash had an odd feeling when Gloria was around. They didn't know what it was but it didn't feel... normal. It didn't seem to be a bad feeling but, it was unfamiliar to them.
They felt they needed to talk about it but the thought of asking Gloria made Ash feel nauseous. Could this feeling be... love? No, they had only known each other for a day and Ash was sure that they couldn't catch feelings that easily.
It took a while to get round Jilathria but it was worth it. Getting to spend time with Gloria was fun and refreshing. They weren't feeling pressured to talk or do things that Ash didn't want to. Gloria was really considerate of boundaries and let Ash stay in their comfort zone.
Slowly, they started to realise that the outside world wasn't as bad as Ash had thought before and began to forget about Cave Newlight. Not that it was bad back home but now it just felt like something was missing. Something wasn't there that they felt here. They still were reluctant to stay but also liked the thought of not being tied back and having to return every day to a strict home.
It was understandable that Ash didn't want to leave the cave forever though. It was all they ever knew and the way of life was what they were familiar with. The rules change once you're in a new place and you don't know your boundaries.
Before they both knew it, they had finished the tour and the time had gotten on. It was definitely time to go to sleep for Gloria. She became drowsy and weary, even more clumsy as well (if that was even possible).
They made their way back to Gloria's home and she showed Ash where they could sleep. The only problem was, Ash was mainly nocturnal. This was flexible, but not in the way that was helpful. Ash could stay awake during the day no problem, but sleeping during nighttime was another question entirely.
They walked into her bedroom and, wow, red. Very red. Everything was some shade of red or orange, the bedsheets, the curtains, throw pillows, you name it, it was red. There were a few things that particularly interested Ash, notably her night lights and her mass of shoes.
Anyway, it had gotten too late so they tried their best to sleep, even if it was only for Gloria.
The next morning came quickly, the sun being nonexistent in the Nether really had an effect on the lighting somehow. It was understandably darker than the overworld, but it was still lighter than that night.
Not much sleep was gotten during the night, for either of them. Gloria was bursting with excitement that she found a new friend, yet Ash was dreading the next day. It wasn't too bad, they just didn't want to move at all, the bed was too comfy and they were very interested in working out the function of Gloria's blaze rod night lights.
Gloria came out of her closet, that she only went in a second before, wearing a red top with a flame neckline and flame sleeves, a poofy, orange skirt that had blaze rods hanging from the sides and gold gladiator sandals. Ash had only one word, adorable.
They hadn't thought about it before, but now they did Ash realised that they never thought about what they themself was wearing. They had worn a dress with a black bodice and underskirt, and a red layer on top. They also had a black belt and cape with black sandals on. Normally, Ash wouldn't be caught dead in a dress but this one was traditional Arachnid attire.
They also hadn't thought about their hair either. Their dusty blond hair was in their signature wolf-cut while Gloria's was a ponytail that made her fiery orange hair look like flames. Oh and of course Gloria had blaze rods floating around her.

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