Chapter 3

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"Where am I?" Katherine asked when she looked all around her. It was like she was in some sort of monstrous place. It looked completely weird and she knew she wasn't at the S.H.I.E.L.D. facility where she remembers being last. Where was she last exactly? She remembers walking out of her session with Banner after finding out the disturbing news that she was pregnant. She was terrified. She couldn't raise a baby? Would Clint be angry or happy? She was terrified that he would hate her for bringing a child into this world. I mean, what kind of role model was she? She was a monster and she wouldn't want a child to have to grow up with a monster for a mother... Just like she had grown up..

"Hello..?" She coughed as she started slowly walking around, trying to find a way out of this place. She kept looking all around her and this place was beginning to freak her out. It looked like something out of a nightmare or something out of a fantasy game or something. "Got to get out of here, got to get back to Clint..." She kept repeating to herself as she walked around for what seemed like hours.

As she was walking, that's when she heard something behind her. She turned around and suddenly felt paralyzed as she backed up, falling to the ground as she continued to back away. When she looked up, there was this huge monsterous looking spider creature that was in front of her. It screeched at her as she got up and started running away from it. She kept running and running away from it, and it seemed like she had lost it for the most part. She was re-leaved when she saw something that looked like an exit but as she was running for it, something made her stop.

"Help! Somebody help me!" She heard cries and screams for help. She looked back and noticed a small child trying to run towards her and away from the monster until suddenly the child tripped. "Please, somebody help me!" The child screamed as Katherine looked back and forth, almost deciding to go back until Katherine shook her head and began running back. "Help me!" The child screamed when the young girl thought she was going to be killed by the monster.

But that's when Katherine jumped in front of the child, shielding it from the monster using her powers. The girl looked up at Katherine as Katherine screamed out in pain as she shielded the child from the monsters attacks.

"don't worry...I won't let anything happen to you..." Katherine looked down at the child before noticing something about her. It was the way she looked and her eyes. " you...?" Katherine stuttered as she struggled to keep the shield up.

" won't let the monster get me...will you..?" The child asked Katherine as Katherine just looked shocked.

Katherine just shook her head, still shocked and confused. "No, never..I'll never let anything hurt you." And with that Katherine started screaming out in pain as she released a giant blast of energy, knocking the monster backwards as she scoped the child that was meant to be her's into her arms and began running for what looked like the exit. As they were running, Katherine kept repeating the same thing over and over again. "Don't worry, we're almost out." Suddenly, Katherine tripped. She groaned as she slowly got up and noticed the monster getting up as well, coming back towards them.

"Mommy!" The child screamed as Katherine looked back and forth between them as she gulped and raised her hand towards the child. "Mommy what are you doing!" She screamed as Katherine let a single tear fall down her face.

"Keeping you safe.." Katherine said as she used her powers to send the child through the exit. Katherine smiled to herself when she noticed the exit close behind the child that was hers before looking back towards the now more than angry monster. Katherine stood up slowly, holding her side as she raised her hands, getting ready to fight to the death. She use to be so scared of dying, she use to only look out for herself, she would never go back for anyone except for Clint.

Road To Redemption♥ (Avengers/Clint Barton Fanfic) [Book 3]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora