Chapter 13

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"I loved and I loved and I lost you.." 

It had been two weeks, two weeks since Katherine died and Clint's entire world stopped spinning. Clint didn't get to say goodbye. He still didn't believe it, didn't want to believe it. I mean, how could he? How could Clint believe that after waiting all these years to finally have a life with Katherine, that she was taken from him the second they're finally in a good place..?

I mean, Katherine and Clint were going to have a child together. Their family was barley getting started, their lives together were barley getting started. Clint never imagined a life outside of S.H.I.E.L.D. and not for one second did he ever think there was someone on this planet that could change his mind about that. That was until he met Katherine. The moment Clint met Katherine, he felt it in his chest and he just knew. He knew that he wanted her in his life, and I think he always knew that she would be the reason for him to hang up his bow and finally have a life for himself. Clint's spent the better part of his life helping make sure the rest of the world gets to live their's. Now when he finally had the chance to live his own, she was taken from him. 

Clint refused to believe it and he would continue to refuse to believe it; he was hoping this was all some sort of really horrible nightmare. He was praying that maybe, just maybe..if he believed hard enough that she really wouldn't be dead. That he would wake up and realize that he over slept, walking down into the kitchen to see Katherine alive, and feeding their child. 

the night Katherine died, Clint lost everything. He lost the love of his life, his entire world, and his family. So that begs the question, how do you come back from something like that? Clint doesn't know if you can ever come back from something like that, something like this. 

Today was the day that they would be burying Katherine, this was the day he would have to say goodbye. But how could he..? He wouldn't be saying goodbye, not really. Katherine was gone and she wasn't coming back. She left, she was taken and she took a part of him with her. Without her, Clint felt like something was missing. All his life, he felt like something was missing, like there was void that couldn't be filled. And just when he was beginning to think that maybe that void could finally be filled, it was suddenly made bigger. 

"Clint.." Clint heard from behind him as he continued to stare outside the window of his room. Clint looked over his shoulder briefly, already knowing it was Natasha by the sound of her voice and the sound of her steps. He looked at her for a brief second before turning back to stare out the window. "Clint, it's time.." Natasha tried telling him but he just shook his head. 

"No." was all Clint replied. 

"I know it's hard but we all lost a team mate that night." Natasha tried saying but that's when Clint snapped. 

"No, you don't know. You guys might have lost a team mate, an Avenger..Well I lost so much more." Clint said, making Natasha look at him confused. Clint's eyes were watery, thinking about how he not only lost Katherine but he lost his child as well. His family..

Road To Redemption♥ (Avengers/Clint Barton Fanfic) [Book 3]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang