Chapter 10

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Katherine was sitting in her hospital bed, just staring at a picture of her and Clint. The complete blissful look on both their faces made the ache in her chest ten times worse. She couldn't get the nightmares out of her head; she wasn't sleeping well and she wasn't eating. She felt herself slowly dying, maybe they were right.. Maybe her baby is killing her. But there was no way that Katherine was going to let anyone or anything hurt her baby. 

She sighed before setting down the picture and rubbing her hands together, blowing on them lightly as she suddenly felt a strong kick in her stomach. She let out a gasp, putting her hands on her stomach as she felt the strong kicking again. She groaned in pain, trying her best not to alert anyone to her room. She didn't want anyone to know she was pregnant, the only people who knew were Fury, Bruce, and of course Clint. 

She didn't want anyone else to find out. She was scared of what would happen if the wrong people knew about her baby. But it didn't matter because no matter what, she was going to protect her family. Her baby.. She didn't care who she had to hurt to keep her child safe, even if it meant hurting the people closest to her. 

Katherine groaned one last time before sitting up in bed and beginning to rip off the wires of her arm. The machines starting beeping like crazy, letting Bruce know that she was attempting to escape her hospital bed. Katherine coughed, tossing the wires to the floor and getting up to go and find Clint. She needed to see him, she was freaking out and she needed him to help keep her sane. 

Before Katherine could take another step, she felt woozy. She almost fell to the floor, but luckily, someone had caught her before she hit the floor. "Thanks.." She groaned, looking up to see who had actually caught her. She stared at them confused before accepting their help to set her down on the bed.

Katherine was so weak lately, Bruce theorizing that it was due to her pregnancy and the unforeseen circumstances. Bruce theorized that her and Clint's child might possess magical gifts which in turn, are killing her. She made Bruce promise not to tell Clint though, she didn't want anyone to know expect the two of them. She hated lying to Clint, she didn't want to do that anymore and she promised herself she wouldn't lie to him after they met again last year. 

And even if Katherine thought the world of Clint, she didn't want to risk him choosing to save her over their child. She hated that the thought crossed her mind but Clint's love for her, their love for each other, over powers everything else. They'd go to the end of the earth for each other and if there was a chance that their child was killing Katherine..

well Clint wasn't about to lose Katherine so.. 

"What are you doing here Captain?" Katherine asked Steve as he smiled at her. 

Steve simply shrugged his shoulders. "I wanted to come see how you were doing. You gave us all quite the scare." 

Katherine couldn't help but let out a small smile, nodding her head. "Thanks for the concern Cap. I'm fine though, just a bit under the weather." 

It wasn't a complete lie. Katherine was sick, she was just morning sick.. from her pregnancy that her and Clint told no one about. There are only four people who know about this pregnancy; Katherine, Clint, Bruce, and Fury. Even then; Fury hadn't mentioned anything else and Bruce only talks to Katherine about the baby to let her know that him or her is doing well. Katherine tried to contain her anxiety by covering it up with exictitement, just like Clint was doing. Clint was so excited for the child; he kept counting down the days until Katherine would have a due date. Clint had baby fever; even talking about the two of them taking time off sooner so they can rest up well and work on their home life before and after the baby's born. 

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