Chapter 4

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Katherine's eyes slowly opened as she looked all around her and noticed she was in a hospital room. She groaned slightly as her throat felt dry. She turned her head and saw Clint sitting in a chair next to her, looking completely wrecked.

"He-hey..." She managed to say as Clint's head shot up. That's when she noticed his red eyes from crying, worrying about her.

"I-I was so terrified..." Clint tried saying as he just shook his head, grabbing Katherine's hands and bringing them to his lips where he placed a couple of kisses before resting his forehead against them. "Don't you ever scare me like that again."

Katherine just groaned, trying to move but still feeling weak. "He shot you." She replied simply as she groaned, wondering why she was so sore.

"I don't care.." Clint glared at her. "I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you..." He placed a kiss on her forehead before trying to find a way to calm himself down. He was a complete wreck. The thought of something happening to Katherine, it killed him. Not after all this time. There was no way Clint was going to let anything happen to Katherine.

"You need to control your emotions..." Katherine forced a laugh as she slowly sat up, running a hand through her hair. Clint let out a laugh as he smiled at her through his tears. He kissed her hand again, looking at her, just being thankful nothing was wrong with her. Katherine just watched as Clint rubbed circles in her hand and she couldn't help but smile lightly. "Clint...can I ask you something?..." Katherine felt her breath get caught in her throat. This was as good a time as any.

"Of course..what is it?" Clint asked her confused, not letting go of her hand. She smiled at this action.

"Wh-where...where do you see us in a year or two or ten?" Katherine asked Clint while he looked at her confused. "I mean like if-if there was no other battles to fight, the world didn't need us to be the heroes anymore...what would you want...?"

Clint shook his head, chuckling lightly as he smiled at Katherine, standing up and kissing her on the lips. Katherine kissed back as Clint slowly backed away, smiling at her. "If the world didn't need saving anymore, if we could like retire, I would picture the two of us living somewhere simple. Like maybe a farm, and we'd have two or three kids...We'd have one so we could name them after each of the Avengers..We'd be a family and we'd be happy...But it doesn't matter when or where or if we get that family life on a farm or if we simply have to live our lives saving the world..It doesn't matter if we're living on a SHIELD base or on a farm or a house or a shack in the back alley of New York...It doesn't matter where we are in the world or when...Because I'll always want you..."

Katherine's eyes were getting watery as she bit her bottom lip, bringing Clint closer to her as she crashed their lips together. Clint responded right away as they both pulled away, catching their breath. "I love you..." Katherine stared up at Clint's eyes, counting the colors in them.

"I love you too.." Clint smiled while placing a kiss on Katherine's forehead, letting her know he was going to go get Bruce so he could check her out and make sure everything was running smoothly.

Road To Redemption♥ (Avengers/Clint Barton Fanfic) [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now