Chapter 7

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"There you are. How's my favorite girl doing?"

Katherine by now had an assume look on her face as she stepped closer to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I don't need to use my powers on you to know that you're up to something..So, which is it?" Katherine smirked at Clint. 

He sighed before scratching the back of his head. "There's something I wanted to ask you." Clint finally started explaining. "Well actually something I wanted to show you. When you have a bit of time.." 

Katherine raised an eyebrow at him, now being a bit concerned. "I have time now but is something wrong?" 

"What, no." Clint sighed. "I'd much rather explain once we get there." 

Katherine simply nodded her head as she held up a thicker coat she had hanging by the door. "So is this place we're going, going to be cold or hot?" She held up the jacket and her current cardigan. 

"The cardigan would be fine. Now come, let's go." Clint offered his hand to Katherine as she eagerly accepted it before being lead off to only Clint and god knows where. 


When Clint and Katherine got on the little quin jet, she wasn't exactly sure where they were going. But honestly, she didn't much care. She would follow Clint to the ends of the galaxy and back again, she would go anywhere with him. So she didn't much mind when they were flying over an open field which looked like it was in the middle of nowhere. 

As soon as Clint landed the quin jet, he grabbed Katherine's hand and started guiding her outside and towards what looked like a farm house of some sort. "Where are we..?" Katherine laughed slightly as she wrapped her arms around herself, looking at the farm house in front of them. It looked like something out of little house on the prairie, definitely not something she was use to. Plus it looked a little old school as opposed to the high tech place they stay in now.

"Look, I know it might not look like much..." Clint started explaining to Katherine as they both stepped towards the front porch. She couldn't help but smile when she rested a hand on her soon to be growing baby bump and then on the wall by the front door. It had one word above it.

The Bartons.

She could help but smile to herself as she also looked down at the welcome mat she was standing on. It was like they were inside one of her dreams. She actually wasn't sure if she was dreaming right now or not. But it certainty was a good dream if it was one. As soon as Clint opened the door, she walked through following after him as he showed her the living room. It was quaint and cute and seemed like something from a dream of hers. It was like how she pictured some place they might one day live. 

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