chapter 14

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seven months; 

it had been seven months since Katherine died and since a part of Clint died as well. He had tried holding it together but anyone with two eyes could see that he wasn't doing so good. He spent most of his time at either her grave or just in isolation, away from everybody who might ask him how he was doing. Clint was still so tore up that he lost, not only the girl he had been in love with for what seemed like ten plus years, but his unborn child-..his family. The thought that still haunts his mind is how he didn't ask Katherine for her answer or give her the ring that had been burning a hole in his pocket since the longest. He should have given her the ring, left it with her and not let her convince him that there would be a later where he could have asked properly. 

But there was no changing Katherine Throne's mind once she set it to something. And she didn't want Clint asking her maybe one of the most important question in a woman's life because he thought she was dying. She wanted him to ask, how he planned. Knowing him, there would probably be arrows involved. 

Still, none the less, Clint knew he should have asked. What was he supposed to do with the ring now? He didn't think he was going to meet anyone else, no he knew he wasn't going to meet someone else that he would strongly for. No one was ever going to compare to Katherine. There would not be another for him, she was his. Well, more like he was her's. Clint respected Katherine, she didn't belong to anyone but herself. All though, she had admitted to Clint that her heart belonged to him as his belonged to her's. 

It wasn't fair, you know? They were supposed to end up together, after all the bullshit and highs and lows, they were supposed to get their happy ending. The two of them were supposed to get married, have a family, relax a little from SHIELD and everything saving the world related. The two of them were supposed to grow old together, reminisce on their lives together and tell their grand children and great grand children stories of how their infamous love story came to be. 

Suddenly, Clint was ripped from his thoughts as he turned to see who had walked up behind him. He stayed quiet at first, just turning back to stare at Katherine's grave. Clint remained quiet as Steve walked up behind him, placing a bouquet of flowers down to come and pay his respects. "When was the last time you slept?" Steve asked quietly, not wanting to push but he needed to ask, someone needed to. Clint didn't look too good and they all kept talking about how someone needed to talk to Clint, help him move forward if he could. 

Normally, it would have been Natasha since she is Clint's best friend but she had told Steve and Tony she was going on a mission. They tried asking her about it, asking if she needed one of them to go too but she denied their requests and offers. Steve and Tony thought it was weird that Natasha would leave during a time like this, that she'd rather go on a mission than be there for her best friend. But they didn't question her, she knew best and if she thought Clint needed space.. 

they should give that to him. 

But Natasha left over a month ago, no word from her and they couldn't even track or get in contact with her. So they took it upon themselves to make the executive decision to get Clint talking and eating and showering. 

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me." Clint said, trying to get Steve to leave him alone to his thoughts but Steve didn't move. 

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