Chapter 12

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It seemed like everything in the entire world stopped, it seemed like everything was completely shattered. Clint felt the entire world around him shattered as he saw his world standing there with blood coming from her mouth and a sword sticking out of her chest.

"No!" Clint screamed, realizing what had happened. Everything happened so quick, he wasn't even sure what was happening. Katherine looked down at her chest and noticed that the sword still managed to penetrate her forcefield, stabbing her through the chest. Katherine coughed up blood before falling forward, with Clint barley catching her in his arms. Katherine gasped while trying to catch her breath but she struggled, blood filling her mouth as she felt her time running out. She knew what this meant.

"K-Kat.." Clint gasped, tears in his eyes as he held Katherine in his arms. Katherine struggled for breath, finding it difficult to keep her eyes open as Clint clinged to her. Clint tried his best to keep it together but it was no use, how could anyone expect him to? Katherine kept pressure on her wound, trying to stop the bleeding but it was pointless. 

"I'm-I'm fine.." Katherine gasped as Clint shook his head. 

"Come on, let me see..let me see.." Clint whispered to Katherine, lifting her hand to see all the blood that was pouring out of the wound in her chest. Clint let out a sharp breath, trying his best to not freak out for Katherine's sake. He needed her to hold on, he needed her to hold on just a bit longer. 

Katherine stared up at Clint, tears forming in her eyes. "H-how bad..? How ba-bad is it..?" Katherine asked, seeing the look on Clint's face. 

"It's-hey, hey it's not even that's not that're going to be fine, you hear me? You're going to be just fine. We'll get you all patched up and you'll be as good as new.." Clint sighed, trying to keep pressure on Katherine's wound, yelling for someone to get to them and help. Natasha, Steve, and Stark finally arrived; Thor and Banner keeping the rest of Hydra's army back. 

Katherine shook her head, grabbing onto his arm. "I'm's's going to be fine.." Katherine said with tears falling from her eyes as they all knew what was happening. They knew the price of being an Avenger, sometimes you have to pay the price of keeping the world safe.. Looks like Katherine's paying that price right now. 

"No.." Clint's voice cracked as he kept staring down at Katherine in his arms. He moved her hair from her face, trying to keep her alive but Katherine already knew. Everyone did.. She just-she just didn't want Clint to be here to watch her die, she didn't want him to feel her heartbeat stop.. 

"It's going to be're okay..?" Katherine gasped, still struggling for air as Clint tried wiping away some of the blood from her mouth. 

"I'm okay..Wh-why did you do that? Wh-what happened..?" Clint asked, staring down at Katherine, holding her close. 

"I-I..when I healed drained a lot out of me..Keeping the blast contained, healing you..i-i wasn't strong enough.." Katherine cried, the pain in her chest getting worse. But it wasn't so much the pain in her chest that hurt, it was more of the thought of knowing Clint would be here to witness it.. And she didn't want him to have to watch her die. 

Road To Redemption♥ (Avengers/Clint Barton Fanfic) [Book 3]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora