2 Ours

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I woke up to the smell of bacon. It made me smile because he held up on the promise I'd wake up to breakfast. I didn't want to go downstairs but I knew I had to. I finally plucked up the courage and started walling downstairs, only to be met with a stranger in the kitchen next to dom
"Hey bubs. This is Ben. He didn't come on tour with us as he was doing something else. But he's heard about you." My face fell when he said that
"Yeah. I heard you and dom didn't work out. But I'm so happy to meet this little one." He smiled and took one hand away from his coffee cup to point towards my bump
"How do you know dom?" I asked as I moved further into the kitchen
"Known him since he was a kid. Our families were friends." I nodded "Would you like me to go?"
"No. Its fine." I sat at the kitchen island and hummed a thank you when dom set down my plate
"Tom's coming with your stuff later." He said, continuing to potter about the kitchen "You can leave with him if you want but it'll do you some good having clean clothes."
"Thanks. Might stay here if that's alright?"
"Yeah. You're welcome to stay. Ben's going to see his girlfriend later if you wanna watch a film?"
"Sure." I took a bite of bacon and swallowed it though I wasn't really hungry at all "Sounds fun."
"You don't have to. You're free to do what you like here you know?"
"I know. I want to." He tapped my shoulder and then continued to fry up something for himself "Can we go shopping for some snacks?"
"Yeah" he said, making me smile because I could hear the smile in his voice "Where do you wanna go?" I turned around to face him and he seemed to lighten up a little more when he saw I was happy
"Just the supermarket. We need popcorn. And chocolate. And cake."
"Do we now?" He teased, walking over and booping me on the nose "Right well if you want to go you can either wait for Tom or wear something you left here. It's our house I'm sure there's something." My face fell at that because it hadn't felt like home since I turned up. I turned around and continued eating my bacon, or trying to, but I didn't feel like it. The two of them were whispering behind me and I knew it was about me, nice or not. I couldn't handle it and I instead got up and walked out "Ally? Ally what's up?" He shouted after me. I didn't answer though and instead I just walked off upstairs.

"Ally? Cmon bubs." I rolled my eyes and waited for him to go away, my back to him on the bed "Ally what did I do?" He closed the door behind him "I know you're like making a point or something but it's my bed so can you please just get up."
"What about it being ours?" He sighed
"Is that what upset you. It is our house if you want it to be. But you didn't."
"But I do now. And it's too late. And I fucked it all up."
"Ally baby look at me."
"No. Cus you keep being nice and then not being nice and giving me all the mixed signals."
"Can I come lie with you?" I thought about it for a second then slowly nodded. He laid down beside me but was careful not to touch me "Cmere baby."
"Stop calling me that."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know it made you so uncomfortable. You used to love it."
"Yeah. When we was together. And now we're not and I'm pregnant and in some awkward horrible state of limbo and I fucking hate it."
"It's only been a week. You'll get used to it."
"But I don't want to! I want you. And us. And everything we had before it all went to shit."
"If you really want that then I'm right here." There was silence between the pair of us and it made me feel bad for drawing such a response out of him "Cmere baby." I turned over but I didn't wanna look at him. I just cuddled up and rested my head on his chest, sighing when I was comfy
"I'm sorry for everything. I don't get why you would just welcome me. I bet if I wasn't pregnant you'd have-"
"No. I would've loved you just the same. But we have little Sammy don't we?"
"I don't deserve all this."
"You do. Because we all make mistakes. It's not like you actually slept with him is it?"
"No. I didn't want to. Its like I just wanted to feel free."
"Did you feel trapped with me?" He was talking softly, as though he was trying to help me rather than be offended by what I said
"A little. Just cos everything moved so fast. It's like i was all alone and then suddenly I'm having a baby and a family and a husband and-"
"Shh. You're getting worked up again." I nodded and let him soothe me "I have to be sure that you want this. Because I've been let down before, and my heart can't take it."
"I do. I promise. I just messed up."
"Well take it slow yeah? Work on the emotions and the trust. But the most important thing is that we raise Sam with love, together or not."
"Thank you for sticking around. Most guys would've left me at this point."
"Not me. She's my baby too and I want to look after you both." He kissed the top of my head and waited in silence for me to respond. I didn't say anything though "Are you okay? Some of those feelings are pretty intense."
"Why don't you hate me?" I said, my voice weak and tired
"Because I love you. And I could lie and say I don't but I do. And something deep inside me believes that you wouldn't do that to me ever again." I shook my head "Look, I think it's all been a bit much. So why don't we go down and watch a film? And we can cuddle up, me you and Sammy."
"When is Tom coming?"
"In about an hour or so. You don't have to see him."
"I don't mind seeing him. Just seeing if it was worth going down." He chuckled
"Yeah it is. Come on baba, let's go."
"If tom gets angry will-"
"He won't. Promise. But I'll be there if he does okay?"
"Okay. We can go down now." I got up off him and sat up, watching him stand up and flex his back
"You ready?"
"Yeah. Let's go."

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