9 Make Things Right

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"What's up?" I asked Adam, taking his phone out of his hand and turning it off "You've been distracting yourself. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just don't like this film."
"It's the notebook. You said you liked it cus you watched it with dom."
"I'm tired?"
"Cmon man if you're gonna lie at least sound confident. What's wrong adam?"
"I feel like you don't think about me. Like, at all. Especially when you ran off to here. Like I get you needed to talk to him. But you didn't even leave a note or anything." I sighed
"M'sorry teddy. I guess I just wanted to make it right."
"And then today. It was about Mikey. Even though you was mad at him and I actually wanted to fucking talk to you."
"I can't fucking win. I try and make things right with someone and it fucks things up with someone else."
"No you haven't fucked it up." He said softly "I promise you've fucked nothing up. I just want you to know I'm still here. And maybe I want you to just acknowledge that. Yknow?" I nodded "But you haven't fucked anything up."
"Have with Tom and Mikey."
"Tom will come around. Mikey will too...eventually." I nodded "But you still got me. And you haven't fucked things up.
"Can we just turn this off and talk? I usually hate it but I think I like talking to you." He nodded and turned the TV off, turning to me
"So what's the deal with you and dom?"
"Taking it slow. But we're like, seeing each other I guess you could say."
"Have you two had sex?"
"No. I just think it's not on the table right now. But we kiss and cuddle and all that. It's just sweet really." He smiled
"You guys are truly in love to come through that. Holly tried getting back in touch with me. I told her respectfully to get fucked." I giggled
"You should go on dates. Find someone."
"What? And move away like Michael. Wouldn't do that to ya."
"I wouldn't be mad if you did. I'd come and visit you. Imagine you with a little house and kids and everything. It'd be well cute."
"Moving too fast for me there. Kids can wait." I raised an eyebrow at him "I know I know. But it wasn't exactly a planned out life was it? Not that I'd love my niece any less. But you get what I mean."
"No babies. Got it." He laughed at me
"Can't believe you're having a baby. Feels like so much was taken away from me."
"Awe teddy." I cooed, holding my arms out. He hugged me and I squealed when he unexpectedly stood up and took me with him "What are you doing?"
"Time for bed. Come on."
"I thought we were talking?" He stopped walking
"Do you have anything else to say?"
"No. But I really like spending time with you. So can we, like, find something to talk about."
"Back to the living room!" He declared, marching back in and setting me back down "I guess we should order that food now?"
"Fuck. I forgot we were getting a takeaway. Get in."
"Let's decide. And we can watch the notebook from the beginning and actually enjoy our night."
"Is there anything else you wanna say?" He thought for a few moments
"I love you. That's it." I pouted at how cute he was being
"Love you too Ted. Always."

Doms pov
I'd heard the two of them laughing earlier and left them to it. But now it'd gone quiet and was starting to get late. I went downstairs to check on them and I saw the cutest sight since ally had come home. Adam was leaning against the back of the sofa with ally laying her head on his chest. He'd wrapped the blanket around them but it was just hanging off. I quietly walked over and pulled it back around so it was covering ally and most of adam, enough to keep him warm anyway. I kissed the top of allys head gently before whispering a goodnight and making my way to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. That was my remedy when I couldn't sleep. You could argue it to be so stereotypically British of me it's laughable. But I needed it since not knowing if ally was okay unsettled me. The kettle boiled and I waited rather impatiently for it. Eventually it did as I needed it to and as I poured it into my cup I felt a pair of arms wrap around my middle
"Can't sleep?" She said softly, tired even
"No. I'm better now I've seen you're okay. Or you were." I tapped her hands so she'd let go of me. She eventually gave in and I turned so I was leant against the kitchen counter and she was stood in front of me. Then her eyes landed on my bare chest. She pointed to the patch of skin I'd been scratching at
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Guess I just got stressed so made it sore from scratching."
"I'm okay with Adam." She looked at me and smiled before standing on her tip toes to press a firm kiss to my lips "We talked. He was just feeling a little pushed out. And as for Mikey and Tom I suppose they have their choices to make now." I nodded, still a little dazed by how forward she'd been by kissing me like that
"Yeah. I guess they do." She went back down to be stood flat on her feet
"And as for this. I'm sorry I caused that." She gently kissed my chest where it was all red, taking me by surprise "I'm really sorry."
"It's not your fault. I just get anxious sometimes. Especially since you're carrying little Sammy now. You're like an extra special load." She giggled softly
"You're still stressed. You're rambling. It's cute but I know you need to calm down." I nodded since she clearly knew me very well "Your tea is probably like extra strong right now. You ready to go up?"
"Are you going to go back to your brother?" She shook her head
"He woke up before. I told him I was going to you then he went back to sleep. He's quite fond of us together I think." I smiled softly as she seemed quite content in the moment
"You gonna come stay with me?"
"Yep. Right next to you so you know I'm okay and can sleep." I pouted at how cute she was being "What?"
"You'd come upstairs just to make me feel better. That's fucking adorable."
"I am fucking adorable. And so are you. Even when you hurt yourself getting so worked up." She stroked her thumb over the red skin, her hand firmly planted on my chest palm down
"I love you ally." She looked up at me and seemed absolutely fixated
"I love when you say it like that. All fawning over me. Worth all the heartbreak." I kissed the top of her head
"I agree. Are you ready to go back to bed?"
"Yeah. Let's make the most of the morning before we all get woken up." She took a deep breath "Can we go talk to Tom tomorrow?" She asked softly, almost as if she was afraid of the answer
"Course we can. I think we should make some stuff right."
"Yeah. Thanks baby." I chuckled and kissed the top of her head again since she'd made no effort to move
"Dont thank me. Your big heart wants to make things right so who am I to stop you." She smiled "Come on bubs. Time for bed."

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