4 Bath

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"You wanna come sit in there with me?" He shook his head, looking up at me from the bed
"No. I think that's crossing a boundary."
"I'm inviting you. You'll make it seem less lonely. I like talking to you."
"Are you sure? I wouldn't mind as long as you're sure." I smiled and held my hand out for him
"I don't mind. It's calming." He took it and hauled himself up off the bed, pausing for a brief moment as if he wanted to say or do something before just leading me to the bathroom
"Do you want me to run the bath for you?"
"You don't mind?" He looked down at me looking up at him and he gently cupped my cheek
"Not one bit. Not if it makes you comfortable." I tried to hide my teary eyes but it didn't work and he wiped the eventual stray tear with his thumb "Come on. Do you want bubbles?" He let go of my face and I nodded "go grab a bobble and tie your hair up. Don't wanna get bubbles in it." He was still looking down at me but his hands weren't on my face
"Why didn't you kiss my forehead like you used to?"
"Just go get a hair tie yeah? I'll see you in a minute."

"Bath alright?" He asked softly, he'd lit some candles and turned the lights out to make it calmer for me and his voice didn't get very loud when he spoke to me. The bath was alright but I still felt so awkward in the bath tub alone, my back to him where he was leaning against the bathroom counter"Ally?"
"Would be better if you were in it." The room felt even more silent than it already was. Then he cleared his throat
"Would you be okay with that?" I kept my back to him "I'd have nothing on. And we didn't even do that when we were together."
"It's not like we're having sex is it?" I said softly, almost crying but I didn't have it in me to beg. It would only make him feel bad. He didn't say anything but I heard movement behind me
"Where'd you want me?" I shrugged, trying to curl myself up since it only felt awkward "Move up. I'll sit behind you." I did as he asked and he got in behind me, sitting me between his legs. He pulled me back against him and wrapped his arms around my middle, resting his hands on my bump
"Sorry I made you." He chuckled
"You didn't. I love being this close to you." He was mumbling now, almost as if he was taking in that we were in such a position. He kissed my back, between my shoulder blades making me gasp "Sorry."
"No. Just wasn't expecting it." He sighed and rested his chin on my shoulder, taking in the two of us being so close with each other. It wasn't sexual and it had no potential to turn into anything of the sort, it was pure. I leaned back more into him so the back of my head was rested on his shoulder behind me, giving him opportunity to Bury his face more into my neck. We stayed like that for a while and it was peaceful just the two of us
"This what you wanted? To be this close. Cus we can do this with clothes on."
"But it's not the same. This is close. Intimate in a way that we can't be when we're having sex. I'm not getting off on it I'm just calm." He kissed my cheek softly and turned away, probably expecting me to leave it there. But I didn't. I instead moved my head and brought his lips to mine. It was soft but it wasn't just a peck. It was loving. But then it just got too much and i started crying. He instantly pulled away and managed to move me so I was against his chest "I'm sorry I just got overwhelmed and...and..."
"Shh. I love you so much. I just want you to be comfortable."
"Can I just lay like this?"
"Yeah. As long as you want. Until the bath gets cold." I giggled, settling against his chest but still a little worked up "It's okay baby."
"Do you really love me? Or are you just saying that cus were naked in a bath together." I mumbled
"Dont do that, you're making it sound dirty." He was speaking calmly still but I knew he was upset "I really do love you. I promise. Please don't make this dirty."
"I'm sorry. It's just, I wonder if you'd still say you love me if I never came back." He sighed
"I think it's time we got out now."
"Did I fuck it up? I'm sorry I-" he pushed me off him but only gently, letting me move to the other end of the bath so he could get out
"It's just time to get ready for bed yeah? You need sleep."
"We. Dom it's we." I said, beginning to cry because I was panicking
"No it's you. Until you believe me it's you." He got out of the bath and wrapped a towel around him "If you don't believe that I love you after being in such a vulnerable position then I don't know what will make you believe it."
"Dom I'm sorry." I was begging now, crying a little "Please just fucking hold me I won't get to sleep."
"You broke my heart and you're the one who doesn't believe me. I always believed you ally. Fucking always." He stopped his speech seemingly right in the middle, his voice cracks indicating he was probably about to be in the same state as me had he not done so 
"Dom please. I love you. I'm sorry I fucked it up. I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up." He shook his head at me "Don't do that. It means you're giving up on me. Don't give up on me."
"I'll lay some clothes out on the bed for you. I'm sleeping in Ben's room."
"Dom please" I begged, my sobs falling on deaf ears as he left me alone in the bath tub. Arguably more vulnerable than the pair of us were before "Fuck you!" I screamed, the frustration in my voice evident. But then it went calm in my head, my heart calmed down. It was though everything went with the scream. But instead it was replaced with dread because the little progress we had made was pointless. And now I was basically alone even if I was in the same house as him "I'm sorry baby." I cooed, stroking my bump "I promise he loves you. Maybe not mummy but he definitely loves you."

Doms pov
"Definitely not mummy but he loves you." She continued, making a point of how i loved only sam. I wanted to run in and hug her right then. I never said I didn't love her, I was laying her clothes out on the bed two minutes ago for fucks sake. I just wanted to check on her since she hadn't left the bathroom but the door was open and I could hear what she was saying. That was enough for me to know she was physically okay if anything. I left her there to have her moment alone with Sam. I'd give anything to be that close with her as she was. It sounds weird but I was jealous of the bond the two of them would naturally have because of it. I heard her getting out of the bath so I fully went into Ben's room, leaving a crack in the door "look, daddy put clothes out for us. Taking care of us like a good man." Her voice was cracking towards the end and it made me want to cry again "Shall we get ready for bed." I bit my lip and waited for her to close the door so I could fully close mine and not get caught. She soon did so and after I closed the door I sat down on the end of the bed and sighed. She meant the absolute world to me and the back and forth between us was getting frustrating. I hated it. But she made me feel dirty for what was going on. And if I never told her things that hurt me she'd never learn. That was how I justified it anyway. But I still hated how she cried for me. She never cried for me like that when we were together. She never wanted any of this when we were together. But I was kidding myself if I thought we weren't basically back together at that point. Until I ruined it. Or she ruined it. Or whatever fucking happened. All I knew was I was basically alone. Even if I was in the same house as her

I'm sorry 😭 but like...it would be a short arse story if they just...got back together 🤷 I promise you they love each other x

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