6 Tension

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I looked over at the clock on the wall and knew is have to wake him up. His work was important and although I knew it wouldn't come first, it came as a close second. I moved up from his neck and kissed just below his ear softly
"Dom it's time for work." He groaned at the thought of waking up so I kissed him again a little further down towards his neck, more so his jaw "Time to get up." He sighed and laud there with his eyes closed, making me roll my eyes. I went to shake him awake but before I managed to do so he spoke
"Kiss me again." The fact he'd pointed it out so blatantly made me nervous. We weren't back together yet but we both knew we weren't in friends only territory either. The kiss was just supposed to feel normal but he pointed it out. I sat up "Ally?" He opened his eyes and looked at me "You okay? Don't you want to?"
"I do. It's just, what if you regret it?" He closed his eyes and settled back down on the bed "Dom?" I laid back down where we were before, shakily letting our a sigh "Are you sure?"
"We can just cuddle if you want? We don't have to-" he cut himself off by gasping since I caught him off guard kissing the sweet spot on his neck "Found that quick." I giggled and kissed him again, only a few soft kisses but he was revelling in the feeling of my lips against his skin. He was fidgeting and I kissed below his ear again before speaking
"What's up?"
"Harder." He whispered. I smirked and kissed him just as soft as before from his ear back to the spot on his neck, frustrating him "That's not what I asked you to do." He tried to sound dominant but it came out as desperate whine. I pulled away and went back up to his ear, hearing his breathing become quick as he knew I was going to say something
"I don't fucking beg." He said through gritted teeth, in frustration not anger though, he wouldn't be angry at me for teasing him "ally just stop fucking around." I decided to give him what he wanted and went back to open mouthed kissed on his neck, sucking slightly and nipping the skin "Good girl." He praised. Not innocent anymore. He was praising me for how good it felt. And it felt good to be praised in such a dirty way. I started sucking on the skin, biting slightly "Fuck me. That's it baby leave a pretty mark." I continued for a bit and pulled away, moving up to kiss below his ear again and gently stroking my thumb over the mark I'd made. He was all riled up and I knew right there I had him wrapped around my little finger
"You okay?" I asked after he didn't speak for a while. There was true concern in my voice and even in his hazy state he picked up on it
"Yeah." He breathed out "That felt so good." He turned round so we were face to face and gently kissed my lips. A pure moment, making me smile "I love you."
"And you love when I make you feel good?" He chuckled
"Yeah. But I love you so much more." I smiled and kissed him softly again
"But I did good right?" He chuckled
"The best. Loved everything about it. But most of all I love that you feel comfortable to do those things with me again." I sighed "You're not a prize to win and I'm sorry I treated you that way."
"I love you. And I'm sorry I ever broke your heart. But I'm glad you're letting me back in." He closed his eyes and just took a deep breath, absorbing the moment but I knew it meant he was about to end it
"Love you too princess. But we gotta go to work."
"I wanna see you work."
"Okay. You can come with me. Adams gonna be there though."
"It's okay. Missed him anyway. Anyone else?"
"Mikey. But he's going away again soon. And I need to-"
"Mike's gonna be there?"
"Yeah. But I need to tell you something."
"Can it wait? I wanna get ready all nice to see everyone."
"Yeah princess. Gotta hurry though."
"Will do promise." He smiled and kissed the top of my head
"Go on then. I'll wait for you downstairs."

I nervously gripped doms hand as we walked into the studio. I knew I shouldn't feel nervous, no one in the room we were gonna go to was going to hurt me. It I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I had like something bad was going to happen
"It's okay baby. Don't worry about them." I nodded but he didn't take it seriously and stopped in the hallway, tilting my chin up so I'd look at him "I don't want you getting all worked up okay? They're not expecting you so expect to be ambushed with cuddles."
"Why wouldn't you warn them. What if they get mad?" He chuckled and started walking again, still holding my hand tightly as we arrived at the door
"Trust me their not."
"But you don't know th-" the door opened and a familiar voice came with it
"Dom mate who are you talking to." He looked at dom and then dom looked at me, leading him to face me too "Ally?"
"Sorry I kinda ignored you." he let the door go and pulled me into a hug
"It's okay now. Tom came back pretty pissed so I thought it probably kicked off. I knew you were at doms so I left it at that."
"How did you know?" He let go of me and shook his head smiling
"Give it a rest kiddo. Where else would you go." I chuckled "I'm not mad at you. But maybe just tread carefully. You don't want to rush things and break his heart again." I nodded
"I know."
"I know you do. Come on bubs. Mikey is here." He took my hand and pulled me with him into the room. Michael was on his phone
"Hey stranger." I teased, leading him to look up at me and freeze "You okay?"
"Ally!" He shouted, standing up and pulling me into him "I'm so sorry I left you without any contact. Figured youd come home if you needed me. I love you so much." He kissed the top of my head but didn't make a move to let go "It's almost Christmas. Are you excited?" In truth I'd completely forgotten in the haze of it all. I let go of him and turned round to dom
"Are we excited for Christmas?"
"Yeah. Proper little family." He patted the spot beside him on the sofa after sitting down "Come on."
"I wanna make it special. Last Christmas before I go away." I sat down between dom and mikey
"Yeah but you're coming back so it's not that bad." The whole room froze and went eerily silent "You are coming back right?" I looked up at him "Right?"
"Ally kid, I've met someone." I started to panic. All I'd had was these boys and even when I didn't I had the promise of them coming back
"But Christmas?"
"I just said, I'm staying for Christmas. And I just missed your birthday but I've got more to make it up to you."
"Who have you met?"
"A girl. She's lovely, we've been seeing each other a while but it's time to move in. She lives out in LA." I nodded, not really wanting to ruin the day by getting upset. I figured this was what dom was trying to warn me about and I wish I'd listened "But I'll always be there for you guys." He went to reach out for my bump but I pushed his hand away
"No when you're half way across the world you won't." He sighed and turned to dom
"You ready to work?"
"Are you?" Dom asked him
"Born ready mate. Let's go."

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