8 Abandoned

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"Ally!" Adam said brightly, speeding over and pulling me into a hug "Was getting worried about you guys."
"I'm good. Where's Michael." He let go of me and seemed a little disheartened "Once I've spoken to him I'm safe to come sit with you. Or it'll be playing on my mind and then that's no fun. For me or you." He nodded and seemed to look less lost when I gave him an explanation
"Yeah. I think you're the only one that can convince him anyway."
"I love spending time with you. It's just I need to talk to him."
"Yeah I know. You can go. Not bothered."
"Really cus you seem quite bothered."
"I'm fine."
"Then why do you-"
"Just fucking go ally." He snapped. I took a step back and stood there to calm down from the sudden outburst "I...I'm sorry kiddo. I didn't mean to shout." I shook my head
"I'm going to talk to Mikey." I said, turning my back on him and walking out
"You coming back down?"
"No." I stated simply, slamming the door and making my way upstairs

Michael was on the phone when I opened the door to bens room. He'd clearly taken refuge there since earlier was awkward. It felt wrong for him to incade such a personal space but now wasn't the time. It was foolish move not to knock but luckily I was in the clear. He looked up at me when he noticed the hallway light come into the room and nodded ti ask me what I wanted
"We've come to see what uncle Mikeys doing." He smiled weakly and shuffled over on the bed
"He's better now he's seen you. Come on. I've got someone I think you should meet." I sat down beside him and rested my cheek on his upper arm, clearly looking like a small child in frame but I didn't care "This is katie. My girlfriend."
"Ohh so you must be ally."
"Yeah." I mumbled
"Mikey talks about you. It's so cute." I smiled softly "He's gonna miss you. Was a difficult decision to come out here. He was actually heartbroken at the idea of leaving you forever."
"It's not forever. I can still see him. Besides if he's happy with you it'll make me happier." She smiled
"Well I've got to go now as my break is over like five minutes ago. I'll talk to you soon though."
"Bye babes." Mikey said, making me fake gag. Katie laughed and uttered out a bye whilst trying not to die. Mike hung up and put the phone on the bedside table, instantly making me stop laughing since I knew it was now the serious conversation part "I didn't think you'd want to speak to me much."
"I needed to tell you not to stay."
"Oh so you just thought that was convenient to say after I had the crying session about you hating me? Nice one." I let go of him and stood up, but the sad look on his face made me stay stood there "I was willing to cancel everything for you."
"I know. But I don't want you to." I started pacing the room, waving my hands around as I tried to convey what I needed to say "Please don't Michael cus I love you and I love having you around. But I know you love her too. And I want you to feel like you can have everything you want." I took a deep breath "Uncle Mikey is always there. And he always will be. But I need you to fucking go. Please." I looked him in the eye with a desperate pleading look on my face
"So you make me feel bad then tell me to go? What the fuck? Its not pick and choose when to care about what I want ally!"
"I'm just trying to make it better! Why are you yelling at me!" I was crying my eyes out because I felt frightened of him. Genuinely frightened. And the fact the feeling was new was enough to overwhelm me, let alone how small I felt being yelled at like that
"Ally I'm sorry kid." He got up off the bed
"No. I don't want you." His heart broke at those words. I could see it in the way he no longer held himself up. And the way his face fell and his eyes teared up.
"Please kid. I didn't mean to yell."
"Yes you did. You wanted me to just let you stay."
"But it was for you" he pleaded, stepping closer to me again but I took a step back, practically cowering
"Not anymore. Stay or go. Either way I want you nowhere near me or my daughter right now."
"So you're fucking abandoning me? Right now! That's it? I'm just out of your lives? Fuck you!" I backed up even further, sliding down against the wall which was enough signal for him to stop "I'm gone. And you're never fucking seeing me again." He said bitterly, leaving the room. I just rested my head in my knees and sobbed. I knew the stress of pushing the argument wasn't good. It wasn't good that it got to the state it did. But I didn't want to purposely stretch it out
"Ally?" I shook my head
"Go away ben." He chuckled
"Not until I've seen your face. Cmon. I'll sit down so I'm not towering over you." I could feel his presence near me and knew he wasn't gonna give up. I sat up and looked at him, he was sat facing me, his legs crossed so he could comfortably stay there "How come you're in my room?"
"Mikey was in here on the phone. Then we got into a fight."
"Are you scared of him?" I paused for a moment before looking him in the eye and nodding "Do you want me to stay with you until he goes? Or do you want me to get Adam?"
"Stay. I'll go see Adam when I'm okay. I just want to spend some normal time with him."
"I'd argue that this getting emotional thing is normal. You feel like you're losing someone. I think Adams probably better than me at talking about that stuff." I shrugged
"Are you staying here tonight?"
"Yeah. Me and jen thought it was best for me to. Just while everything is all over the place."
"I'm sorry you have to stay here." He chuckled
"I'm coming with doms family for Christmas. So I hope I'll see you there?" I nodded
"I hope I'll be there. Depends on what Sam and Justin think of me."
"I spoke to them about that. Dom told them his side but I tried my best to tell them yours. They do get it though. Promise."
"You did that for me?"
"Yeah." He said softly "Do you want a hug? You look like you need a hug." I nodded and he shuffled over to sit beside me, pulling me into him "You weren't there to fight your corner. And when you were it wasn't the best time. So I thought that I should tell Sam what was going on. She's not angry whatsoever. Promise you." He held his pinky out and I interlocked mine with his, feeling safe with him
"You okay now?"
"Can you stay with me until he goes?"
"Adams freaking out downstairs. He wanted to come up but we told him no, it will run its course."
"I'll go down when mikey goes." He nodded
"I get it. He scared you."
"So, are you like, uncle Ben then?" He chuckled
"Suppose so. If that's what you want to call me?"
"Yeah. You'll be good for her. You know how to calm down conflict."
"Yeah well I did it a lot growing up for dom. Guess it's basically instinct now."
"Well I'm lucky to have you. And so is he. Though he probably won't tell you that." He let out a sigh "You okay?" I let go of him and he let go, letting me sit up
"He tells me in his ways. I hope you don't think I'm like, a creep or anything." I laughed and he tried his best to hold one back "what?"
"I've been through enough shit to know what's good intentions and what's bad. Don't worry. If I thought you were weird I would be nowhere near you." He chuckled
"Fair enough." I smiled back at him but the door opening made me jump and get scared again. I gripped Ben's arm but relaxed when I saw who it was
"He's gone now. You wanna watch a film?" I nodded but was still a little stunned
"Go on. Go watch a movie with your brother. I'm gonna unpack my stuff." Ben encouraged. I got up and gave Adam a hug
"Are you okay?" He mumbled
"Yeah." I mumbled back "teddy?"
"Can we order a takeaway?" He chuckled and let go
"Jokes on me for thinking you were about to say something really heartfelt then. Yeah we can." I followed him out of the room
"I love you." He stopped in his tracks and turned to me
"I love you too. And I've missed you more kiddo."

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