12 Family

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I got in bed beside dom and he instantly moved over, pretty much laying over me as best he could
"M'not gonna hurt Sammy am I?" I sighed
"No baby. She's safe."
"Not gonna hurt her ever." I kissed the top of his head
"Think Ben likes me. Said you had a good one in me." I felt him smile against my chest "Do you agree?"
"Million percent. He's seeing in you what he saw in me and I love that."
"I love him." I said, pausing for a reaction but instead I was met with doms lazy smile from before "Think he's gonna be very important to us. Especially for what's left of this pregnancy." He nodded
"Love you. And our little family." That made me melt and cuddle him closer
"Love you too baby."
"I want a shower. Just feel like pure shit after crying and I need to get clean."
"You gonna be alright by yourself?"
"Yeah. I think I will."
"Are you sure?" He thought for a second then shrugged "Dom?"
"Can you wait outside? Or, like, inside the bathroom. Not in the shower or anything just in the bathroom."
"Okay. That's fine." He nodded but seemed hesitant to say what he was going to "What's up? What do you want?"
"Will you get a shower with me?" I shook my head "Why?"
"You're very vulnerable right now. I think you need to do that by yourself." He sighed
"Please. I really want you to. I promise."
"You could get a bath? I'll wash your hair and naked you feel a bit more relaxed." He nodded
"Thanks baby." I smiled and kissed the top of his head again
"It's okay. We do need to start packing soon for your parents house."
"Maaybe we could stay here for Christmas. Have our own?" I sighed softly
"It's our Christmas next year, with our baby. Let this year be with them. Unless you really don't wanna go?"
"No I do. Just scared you'll feel uncomfortable around them." I chuckled
"They're family to me if they are to you and little Sammy. And that means we should spend time together before little one is here."
"Just...tell me you're sure." I kissed the top of his head again
"I'm sure baby. Cmon, let's get you cleaned up."

"You alright there?" He hummed lightly as I massaged the conditioner into his hair "You should look after this mop better. Would be all cute and fluffy if you did."
"You think I'm cute anyway." I smiled
"Yeah, but you'd be even cuter with fluffy hair. So much cuter that I might consider having your babies." He chuckled
"Good one ally. Now is that before or after you push that one out?" I rolled my eyes and chuckled back at him "Let me wash this out and then I'm ready to cuddle with you."
"We need to talk about stuff with the baby."
"What stuff?" I waited patiently for him to sit up from rinsing the conditioner out of his hair. He got back up and pushed his hair back, making me smile
"Stuff. Like where she's gonna be and how her rooms gonna look. We never painted it."
"I want it blue." He declared, sounding pretty set on the idea
"Why blue?"
"Why not? Do you want it pink?" He turned himself around in the bath to look at me, smiling when he saw my face
"No. That's too...typical."
"That's the point. Blue is the exact opposite of what is typical. Neutrals are too cliche. But blue if for boys in some peoples minds so blue will be for our girl."
"Our girl." I mumbled, in awe of the way he spoke. He smiled, moving up to the end of the bath where I was sat, leaning into my face with his
"Our girl" he said softly, kissing me ever so gently after "and I will love that tiny bit of you forever and ever. Okay?" I nodded and h3 chuckled since he'd silenced me in that moment. He pushed himself away again, sitting down the other end of the bath "Cmon. Go get comfy ill be in in a minute to give you cuddles."
"We need to go to sleep. But I wanna check in with Adam first."
"Okay baby. I'll meet you up here." I got up and walked over to give him a gentle kiss "Love you." He kissed my belly too "And our little baby." I gently held his face for a moment, a sort of parting gesture before sighing
"I am so lucky you let me have you." I marvelled, truly in awe of him and the fact he'd let me back "And ill never let you go, not ever."

"Hey stranger." I said teasingly, entering the kitchen where Adam was making a hot drink
"Hey kiddo. Looks like your little Teddy is under a bit of stress there." He pointed to the stretched out tattoo, only a little warped but enough to notice. I hadn't really paid attention to it, but it made me feel quite sad that something that symbolised our relationship was getting ruined "Don't look so sad, you're growing a human, that's amazing." I felt movement and smiled
"She likes you."
"What?" I took his hand, laying it out and placing his palm around my stomach, it took a while of moving it about but the little gasp he made when he felt it was worth it "Wow. That's a real human." He took his hand away and took my face in both of them instead "My little baby sister is growing a real life human being. That's fucking amazing." He kissed my forehead "I'm so proud of you." He removed his hands again and started pacing the kitchen, waving his hands around and repeating over and over again how proud he was, and how honoured he was to be my big brother, and how he couldn't get over the fact I was carrying a baby inside of me. But I didn't care about what he was saying. Instead I felt like, for the first time ever since we'd met, we weren't robbed of all that time. He was my big brother and I, his baby sister and we were simply that. It was the purest and calmest I'd ever felt our relationship to be. I managed to catch a moment where he was stood still, taking my chance to hug him. Well, it was more encouraging him to hug me but it worked because he held me tight and cradled me "My baby sister ain't a baby." He said softly, not necessarily sad in the sobbing way buy more so in the longing for me to remain just that for a little longer. Like he could baby me instead of me having a baby of my own
"I love you." He sighed softly
"I love you too kid, more than anything in the whole world."
"I have to go up to dom now."
"I understand bubs. Go give him cuddles, seems like he needs them. But me and Ben are right here." I let go of him and nodded "I'm going to stay in the living room on the couch. But I'll be right with you the second you need me okay?" I nodded again "you okay?"
"I really love you. Really really love you. And I'm sorry our Teddy tattoos got messed up by my stretch marks but-"
"No. They're perfect. Because it shows the little love you're growing for our family. Means more than some silly tattoo." I started crying "Awe come here" he pulled me to him again, rubbing my back
"Genuinely the most beautiful thing someone's ever said about me." He kissed my forehead again, holding em for as long as a cried
"Were family always yeah?" I nodded "Good girl, just as long as you always remember that you can do anything."

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