Chapter 4

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We were all walking back to our cars when I found Tyler.

"Hey Seguin, you know what you can do for me?" I asked.


"You can order all of my office furniture for me." I said.

"You really want me picking out what's going to be in your office? He asked.

"Sure, why not. Surprise me." I said and walked over to my car.

"Wait is white and mint good colors?" He asked.

"Perfect." I said and got into my car leaving him their with a shocked look on his face.

When I got home Carl was sitting on the couch eating potato chips watching TV.

"Um what are you doing?" I asked.

"Enjoying myself." he said.

"You are not allowed to eat those!" I yelled at him.

"Hey you're not my trainer anymore." he said trying to take the bag of potato chips back from me.

"But I still am a trainer." I said and finally got hold of the bag.

I ran into the kitchen and poured out all the chips into the garbage disposal.

"You are one mean lady." he teased.

"I'm only trying to help you." I said.

"I know, but they taste so good." he said.

"You have a game tomorrow night, you can't be eating that kind of food. It will slow you down!" I yelled at him.

"I'm just teasing you. I knew you would react like that." Carl laughed.

"Hahaha, very funny." I said coldly.

"So how was practice?" he asked.

"It was good except some of the guys hate me because of how hard I worked them." I explained.

"Oh yeah I remember when you first started working with us. It was like a living hell, but it helped us so much." he said.

"Yeah, and if I didn't put you guys through hell you would still be slackers." I pointed out.

"You do have a point. So I was thinking of going out tonight for dinner." Carl said.

"Oh yeah, where?" I asked.

"How about The Mansion Restaurant?" He asked.

"Really? I've always wanted to go there!" I said.

"Well I'm glad because we have a reservation for 7:00pm." he said.

"But I don't have any dress here." I pointed out.

"Why not? You have a ton of fancy dresses that I bought for you." he asked.

"I had no room in any boxes or suitcases so I had them shipped to me. They should be here by next week though." I said.

"Looks like we're are going to have to go shopping." Carl said getting off of the couch to go change.

He came back in his cute usual dress of vineyard vines shorts and button up shirt.

"Do you own anything else?" I asked.

"I do but I only brought dressy things. And you were the one that bought me this." Carl pointed out.


"Let's go!" He said.

"My car or your car?" I asked.

"Obviously my car, you're rental sucks." He laughed.

"That's because my car is on its way to Dallas right now." I said.

My rental was a Jeep Wrangler, he was right it sucks. My real car is a convertible Mustang 2015 in phantom grey. It's a pretty sick looking car. It was a gift from Carl, but I insisted on paying some of it. He didn't like that so he bought it for me.

"Question? How did you bribe coach to let you come down here earlier than the rest of the team?" I asked.

"I told him I missed you so much and that I wouldn't get into any trouble because I would be with you the whole time." Carl explained.

"Okay whatever you say." I said.

We went into Neiman and Marcus first.

"Hey so how about I pick something out for you, and you'll pick something out for me?" I asked Carl.

"Sounds good. We'll meet right here in an hour or thirty minutes." he said.

This is our tradition when we go shopping. He will pick out the most beautiful piece of clothing, and I'll pick him out some nice things as well. It's funny how well we know each other's style.

I was going to just get him a nice dress shirt and dress pants, but then I found this really cool suit that looked like something he would wear.

"This is perfect." I said to myself.

Crossing my fingers that all this will fit him.

It's been an hour and Carl was waiting for me. He had a dress bag, and a box of shoes.

"Swap." we said at the same time.

We went to fitting rooms near each other. The dress he bought me was absolutely gorgeous. It was white with a a cut out in the middle. The length was just right, it wasn't too short or too long and it fit perfectly. The shoes in the box were black and gold Jimmy Choo's. I stepped out of my fitting room and Carl still wasn't ready. But after a few minutes he came out in the greying suit I bought him.

"You look hot in grey." I said.

"And you look gorgeous in white." he said and kissed me.

"Does your suit fit alright?" I asked.

"Yeah surprisingly well." he smiled.

"I've missed this so much." I said and hugged him snuggling into his neck.

"I've missed you so much Lilly Bear." he said and kissed my forehead.

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